What are the pro's of drinking hot tea?!
What are the pro's of drinking hot tea?
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6 months ago
From my understanding there are suppose tobe soome things in tea that are ehlpful to the body, skin, or something, but not really sure, hopefully you all know.
6 months ago
From my understanding there are suppose tobe soome things in tea that are ehlpful to the body, skin, or something, but not really sure, hopefully you all know.
Versus cold or iced tea? Not much difference.
Helps me sleep. Chamomile mint's my favorite.
I just know its good, hot and non-addictive so drink honey, drink!
Tea has many antitoxins in it and the specialty teas that are usually drunk hot have even more the are some that are supose to cure eczema and psorias. some of the chinese teas a suposdly cure many deseases
there's too many...check out the below list...there are actually more...
Boosts your immune system
Lowers blood sugar
Helps prevent cavities and tooth decay
Slows the aging process
Helps reduce the risk of cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Aids in weight loss by burning calories
Reduces high blood pressure
Prevents arthritis
Reduces the risk of heart disease
Reduces the risk of stroke
Lowers the risk of blood clot
yay! i love teas!