Why do people love chocolate so much?!


Why do people love chocolate so much?

Some of us regard chocolate as one of the basic food groups. In my opinion, dark chocolate rules. For a more scientific approach to your question, check out healthwriting.com or just read a few of the excerpts below.

1. Forget poets and philosophers. Scientists, studying the chemistry of the heart, are the ones who can explain our obsession with chocolate. We crave chocolate when we’re feeling blue, they tell us, because it contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that may raise endorphin levels in the brain. Other cocoa chemicals, such as theobromine and caffeine, are believed to increase alertness. And anandamide reportedly stimulates the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, making us “feel good.”

2. Researchers believe chocolate’s natural antioxidants, called flavonoids, improve your odds against cardiovascular disease. These compounds may reduce blood clotting and ease blood-vessel constriction, which helps prevent deposits from attaching to artery walls. Preliminary research suggests the amount in a 40-gram serving (1.4 ounces) of commercial chocolate may be enough to produce measurable benefits.

3. Dark chocolate has more antioxidant power than milk chocolate because the dark contains more cocoa-bean liquor and therefore more flavonoids. A 40-gram serving (1.4 ounces) of milk chocolate typically contains around 400 milligrams of antioxidants, about the same as a glass of red wine. A serving of dark chocolate contains more than twice that. And unsweetened powdered cocoa has almost twice as many antioxidants as dark chocolate.
For me, a chocolate a day keeps the blues away.

um. . .chocolate. Yummy!

Yummy!!! I love chocolates...It makes me happy during stress and moody time. I enjoy eating chocolates all the time. Why not give a try? Taste it...then you feel it...hohohoho

All this talk about Chocolate I'm craving for a Chocolate cake . I am very tempted to wake my wife up and ask her to bake me one. Or on the other hand I think I just better go buy one . To early to get hit over the head . Thanks for the breakfast idea.

First to answer this u must know of chocolates history which starts with the coco plant which was then harvested for its seeds
and turned to powder and was mixed with other ingredients to make a sweet liquid when set in a mold turned into the sweet loveable candy bar we know and love. sencerily chris.flameshady

Cause chocolate is the best thing ever invented!!

It tastes good & melts in your mouth

OMG...Chocolate is like the best. Somehow it relieves stress for me and make me feel better because of its' sweetness. I even have a shirt that says I heart chocolate.

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