Anyone fancy a cuppa?!?!
Anyone fancy a cuppa?!?
You can't beat a nice cuppa. Good call - I'm actually going to go make myself one, and a virtual one for all you guys as well!
Ohhh.... yes please - one sugar and milk in mine please xxxxxxxxx
aye i wouldn't mind one! milk, one sugar please!! :)
Yes please, with a biccy on the side :-)
coffee strong 2 sugars...stir to the left.Cheers :0)
Milk and 3 sugar.....thank you your sweet!x
go on then, stick kettle on, I'll have a chocalate hob-nob too please.
I'm just having one. In fact I'm a tea addict.
yes please milk and extra ooooooo
Yes please
can i have an oxo with pepper please.mmmmmmmmmmmm
I'd love a cup of Earl Grey my dear chap, no milk or sugar just a thin slice of Lemon!
milk and one sugar please.
Yes please...milk no sugar with 2 milk chocolate hobnobs to dunk! Thank you...I owe you one!
yes please a bit of sugar and a touch of lemon
Yes please ,coffee,milk and two sugars.
Yes please, milk and 2 sugars. thanks hun!
oh that would be grand! no milk no sugar! thanks sweetie
Oooh yes please, coup I have a lovely cup of Chai, with milk but not sugar. Or if you are feeling lazy, I'll just have a cup of peppermint.
just had one thanks