When u don't have bottled water is tap water a good subsitue?!


When u don't have bottled water is tap water a good subsitue?

Or should you just go without water?

Make sure you always boil it first.

tap water is better, tap water isn't filtered of all the nutrients like most bottled water

Better tap water than no water.....try a water filter for better tasting tap water.

Tape water is actually really good for u it has floride in it which is good for your teeth!

tap waters not good

unless you are in a thrid world country. Bottled water is expensive tap water.

Tap unless dehydration is the prize you seek

Tap water is good, but you have to boil it first to kill any bacteria it may have, the cool it down and it will be just as good as bottled water.

dont go without water! if your unsure of tap waters purity, and if you can, you can allways boil it first,,,,,,

Tap water is fine. Put it in a jug and refrigerate it for awhile (20 min) to dissipate any residual chlorine.

Honeslty the best kind of water to drink is distilled water. Bottled water is still tap water. 95 percent of the bottled water companies (even if it says mountain spring water) is still tap water from the companie's tap.

It depends on where you live. I live in Canada, GTA, so the tap water here is actually BETTER than bottle war (contrary to popular belief). The problem with bottled water is that the water leeches toxic chemicals out of the plastic bottle, which your body then absorbs.

Most people are ignorant, and don't realize this. If I were you, I'd just drink tap water - if it's good. If you live in a highly polluted area, where the water is bad, I wouldn't drink it. If you're living off of a well, if the water is good, I'd definitely drink that.

I don't know if they are good substitutes. I'm pretty sure water from the tap is made up of different things than water from a bottle.

But seriously, if you need to have something to drink, drink the tap water. You don't want to get dehydrated.

Depending on where you live. If you live in the city, the water is bound to have a lot more chlorine and other "nutirents" to make it drinkable. But drinking tap water is better then not drinking water at all.

I have drank water from a bottle, out the sink and yes even out a river. I have been over seas and drank water in other countries. I am very healthy. People for hundreds of years have survived off of water that different come from a bottle.

Never go without water! If tap water is all you have ther are some very inexpensive tap filters you can get that will remove most of the junk from tap water. Drink healthy.

depends, lots of bootled water is only city water to start with

is there nothing else to drink? is it an emergency? you didn't give us much info.
i don't like the taste of tap water, but if you were stranded, or had an emergency, anything is better than dying of dehydration.
give more info next time.

Provided you're living in the United States, unless you are told otherwise you should feel confident in the safety of your tap water.
Most tap water also has the added benefit of fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.

All in all, feel free to prefer bottled water over tap, that's your personal choice. But try not to fall into the marketing lie that bottled water is in some way superior. There is no proof to substantiate that claim.

honey, i am a dentist and have done my research and believe me when i say, the bottled water is just a haux to make you think"yikes,tap water so bad, disgusting and not cool and bottled water is cool and better".i have been drinking tap water all my life and my health is so good,but use a filter to filterate the water before drinking it which is better

There are a couple schools of thought on "good water".

To answer the second question first... no, you should not go without water! Water is an absolute must.

Bottled water may be good in some respects vs. chemicalized tap water because you may or may not want to be drinking flouridated, chlorinated water from the tap. Most systems also filter out natural (and good) minerals. Bottled water however is also tampered with and that has it's disadvantages as well.

Speaking of well... well water is best in almost all cases. It's natural and least tampered with by man in processing, delivery, and packaging.

But again... you should not go without water!

both are good just i'd rather have bottled

well,tap water is fine .I 've gone trough both of them & still alive & healthy ,its just a prejudice, is'nt it ?

Bottled water is OK, but I will still go for my tap water any time of the day over the bottled. IMHO, I think either is fine with one caveat. Where is the tap water coming from? City tap water from your local reservoir is a-OK (I personally can't stand the taste, but stick it in the fridge for 20 minutes and the chlorine taste will be gone). Surface water is a no-no (these are called bored wells and only collect surface water from rain etc). A drilled well is a very deep well drilled down into the earth that hopefully will tap into an underground river, stream. I was lucky and hit an artesian well. Shoot, I've even drunk water coming straight out the side of a rock cliff before. I think it will be up to personal preference, but like everyone says, never go without water.

In fact, it depends of the brand of bottled water you usually drink and on the quality of tap water in your region.
First, because the plastic of the bottle and the treatments your bottled water goes through can actually add a lot of pollutants to your beverage. Second, because your tap water can be either improper for comsumption (if you travel in a developping country or live in a very agricultural region for instance) or actually be better than spring water (if you live in a big city, chances are that your tap water is so controlled that it's completely safe to drink, whereas some spring water undergo no contro at all).

Tap water in most places is actually much better for you, especially with the fluoride in it. but if you are that "afraid" to drink tap, get a filter.

There are many different kinds. you could get one, like the ones you fill with tap water and put it in the refrigerator. (Brita's best)

or the kind you screw onto your faucet. pur, Brita.

or, you could get a system installed. they're called Reverse Osmosis.
i don't know if you know much about science (so hopefully this isn't patronizing, but...)

osmosis is the transfer of a liquid solvent through a semipermeable membrane that does not allow dissolved solids (solutes) to pass. Osmosis refers only to transfer of solvent (water); transfer of solute is called dialysis. In either case the direction of transfer is from the area of higher concentration to that of lower concentration. This spontaneous migration of a material from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called diffusion, the diffusion therefore refers to osmosis.

but the reverse of that is the solvent (water) is forced through a permeable membrane (filter)

the initial cost is the reason many people don't get it. but over time you save nearly triple if not more than that what the installation and the system cost you.

it depends are where you live. but tap is better than no water. like i said though... it depends on your area

i prefer tap water. i have heard a lot of bad things about bottlrd water ,so yes its fine


Tap water is better. Can check the contents of water through your city.

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