How much soda should one consume a day?!


How much soda should one consume a day?

Yes, my high school gym teacher has already informed me how unhealthy soda pop is. But if you must have it, how should you moderate it?

The best thing I ever heard about soda was to treat it as if it was alcohol. One a day with dinner isn't out of line, or perhaps two on the odd occasion, but any more than that and "you might have a problem."

It's also important to remember that a can (12 oz) is not equivalent with a "single-serve" bottle (usually anywhere from 16.5 to 20 ounces).

If you like the fizz, a healthier option would be flavoured waters, there are both sweetened and unsweetened out there. I like the LaCroix which are not sweet, but my mum drinks the sweetened store brand.

The "healthiest" soda generally commercially available in the US is "7Up Plus" which is made with fruit juice and has some calcium added. There are a few health food store sodas made similarly, but none of these should be treated as a health drink, just a healthier way to indulge if you absolutely must have a fizzy drink. Otherwise, a fizzy lemonade or limeade is also a better choice..

once a week max!!!!

No more than one can at the most. But I know, soda=love.

half a can if its got to be every day

1 soda a day AT THE MOST. Think about it if for the rest of your life if you drink a healthy drink instead of soda, think about how much healthier you would be.

try ur best not to have any at all

Well I consume atleast one a day. i know that it is bad for u, but its a habbit


Like 1 can then another after 5-8 hours.

Haha WOW thats a great question me I am IN LOVE with Soda and when its in the house I drink A LOT of it!! Today I drank 3 cans WOW I know crazyness but water is so boring..

listen to the gym teacher!

soda is not something you should consume at all but even i cant quit it all together and the doctor said that i am now diabetic i still drink a 12 oz bottle from time to time maybe every other day and i find that i am okay with that

You should never drink it period. If you very,very seldom. It takes 30 glasses of water just to wash one soda out your system.


Hey, look at this post.

It's called osteoporosis and kidney stones.
And cardiovascular disease.

All painful.

I would advise you NOT to drink soda; your HS gym teacher is right. I wouldn't consider it per day either, but maybe twice a week, few times a month, or at parties only and such. Drinking soda once a day for a long period of time (I mean years), I hear, could have damaging effects to your digestive system.

one every other day or at most one a day but an alternative is sparkling water with your favorite juice or fruit syrup i think thats wat it was iono

my doctor says none, but if you turn me loose with PibbXtra from a fountain, a gallon of soda will soon be missing

I havent had one in about 10 years. I used to drink a 2 liter bottle a day, now i cant stand it. Whats most important is brushing your teeth to get the sugar off the teeth. It's garbage, dont give it to kids.

No more soda than 50 percent of your water intake.
12oz soda = 24 oz water.

soda is loaded with calories .sodium and its all not good for you just save it for special occasions-- it is hard to give up but you will feel better when you do

None. I lost over 100 pounds, and it started with cutting soda out of my life.

If you want carbonation, drink sparkling water--it comes in flavors. If you want sweet, drink iced tea, either sweetened or not. Soda is just caffeine, artificial flavorings, and sugar. It is highly addictive and can be very bad for you.

better to avoid it,, it is bad for your teeth and bone

none. leave the krap alone. you don't need it. squeeze a few drops of fruit juice into a glass of water. you're rotting your gut with that soda.

You shouldn't have any.

But more than about 6 (12 oz.) cans can affect your electrolytes (look it up) and cause big problems. Not to mention the sugar and caffeine in that much liquid for zero nutrition.

I'd keep it below 2 (12 oz) cans a day.

One soda a day is begging for diabetes. One a week max. Make it a rare treat and you NEVER have to have soda you may have a caffiene addiction.

You see all these guys walking around with big guts?

THAT'S WHAT SODA DOES TO YOU! Those ain't beer guts that's Mountain Dew. Doin' the Dew? Then you won't fit in the pew.

Pop is really unhealthy. In the long run, if you have an average of 7 sodas a week, you can become seriously unhealthy, overweight, or even diabetic. 7 sodas/week is really pushing it.

dont drink any...try the flavored waters...taste great


One (if that). It must be consumed in twenty minutes or less. The sugars start to wreak havoc on your tooth enamel if you drink it any longer


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