Coke & Pepsi?!


Coke & Pepsi?

Before the question, I'd like to say that I like Coke better.

But why? I remember I've saw an article saying: "When asked to taste(coke and pepsi) blind, they showed no preference." and in an other test, I've heard that most people likes the taste of Pepsi better. But when the logo is shown to the drinker, Coke gets a dramatic impact. Is it only because of the brand that keeps the selling number of Coke larger than Pepsi? Or is there any other reasons why coke is the best seller in the world?

I am a Coke My husband has given me a taste test with Pepsi, Coke and two different store brands and I always picked out the Coke.. I think Pepsi is bitter and usually flatter.. Coke tends to have more carbonation.

I love Pepsi, it's sweeter. Coke is more bitter with more of a bite. I can tell the difference with a blindfold on! :-)

I don't do coke. Coke is strong stuff. Pepsi goes down easy without the burn.

Coke has been Better to me and my family for years I took one of thoose blind test and picked Coke everytime!

And don't forget about the coke rewards it's make coke evan better

Coke.... I like coke because of the 'bite'. And I can tell it apart from pepsi with a blindfold! Coke is Best!


coke rules!!!
itz definitely much stronger than pepsi
n it has a nice tang to it
itz got a cool name
..& itz ma favorite..!


I prefer the taste of Pepsi to Coke, but Cherry Coke better than Pepsi's version. I think Coke gets a more dramatic impact as they are a richer company and their logo seems more appealing to me. But that's just me.

I always prefer Coke to Pepsi or any other drinks. I'm a Coke-addict, actually. That's why I married a lovely woman with a Coca-cola body.

Coke just has a better taste to it.. So with that said Go have a coke and a smile..

Coke has a bite, but not much flavor. I like Pepsi. More flavor, less bite.

Coke has more fizz

personally i dont like either coke or pepsi but if i had to choose i would pick coke but im not sure why. i think more people like coke because it is more widely known than pepsi so therefore people think it must be better cause more people knoe about it.

to tell you the truth..i cnat tell the difference! though sometimes coke seems like it is fizzier (more carbonated) and i liek that. but it really doesnt have much difference in taste to me!

Pepsi is tooo sweat 4 me

I love coke and can tell it apart when I eat out and ask for coke and they give me Pepsi with out telling me I know every time

Interesting fact: when coke was first made it was a cough syrup and it got the name coke because there was cocainee in it they took that out in the 40's not sure of the year

Small amounts of cocain acts as a cough suppressant

People liked it so much that they took the coke out and made it a beverage

I am a Pepsi-holic. Coke is too acidy for me and just tastes nasty to me. I have taken a few taste tests and I have always picked out Pepsi.....that is most likely because I know the difference in the taste.

I love coke.


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