What's PEPSI stands for?!
What's PEPSI stands for?
Pay Each Penny & Save Israel. I heard this but not sure.
In 1922, the words Please Eliminate Poop So I can breath were shortened to P.E.P.S.I. so that the company could just get on with it. Everything really stands for something.
I never did know that the name Pepsi actually stands for anything.
i read through the wikipedia article and there were several theorys but this one best suit you from how you asked it
"[']Pepsi-Cola['] is an anagram for [']Episcopal['] - a large church across the street from Bradham's drugstore. There is a plaque at the site of the original drugstore documenting this, though PepsiCo has denied this theory.
Curtis B is correct. I saw a documentary once about Pepsi and Coke and that is the strongest theory.
i don't think pespsi stands for any thing
i thought i was just a name!