What is the prefered choice of water?!


What is the prefered choice of water?

Does water have enough taste difference to make you buy a specific bottle of water over another?
IE...well water, city water, store brand bottle water, name brand bottle water
What is your preference and why?

tap water
we have some of the best water quality here in Edmonton in the World!
why would I go by bottled water that might have come from a tap from somewhere else (yes bottled water can be tap water)

Why? It costs about 5 bucks a gallon! Why do people pay so much for something they can get virtually free?
"20/20" took five bottles of national brands of bottled water and a sample of tap water from a drinking fountain in the middle of New York City and sent them to microbiologist Aaron Margolin of the University of New Hampshire to test for bacteria that can make you sick, like e. coli.

"There was actually no difference between the New York City tap water and the bottled waters that we evaluated," he said.

Many scientists have run tests like that and have consistently found that tap water is as good for you as bottled waters that cost 500 times more.

water is water and tards are tards.

Dasani is an all time good water...

but O flavored waters are good

I prefer fountain water, cause its free.


The taste is refreshing and not overpowering. I also enjoy Arrowhead and Dasani.

i feel more secure with bottled water

I like the water from the city of Chicago; all the suburbs

want the Chicago water, so it must be good.

FIJI is awsome you can actually taste the difference in purity of the water

distilled water is the best for you.... PS (even when a bottle of water says mountain fresh) 95 percent on bottled water is from the bottling companie's tap water.

water is best when is has electrolights like what does the doctor tell you to drink when you are dehydrated gatorade water
because its healthy for you

Pure water. Personally Dasani.
In Philly you only trust bottled water.

The water out of my Pur filter that Lexi gave me for Christmas. It attaches to the faucet, and is really very, very clean and tastes great.

As long as its cool, I'm not usually bothered, but I have noticed a taste difference between tap water between different areas, such as when visiting to friends, maybe this has something to do with hard and soft...

Our local water has too much calcium , so there is a bit of a gritty taste - (oddly San Fran bay area water OK)
I get bottled spring water that is ozone treated .
Straight H2O for me , light on the calcium , thanx . . .

Adirondack. Do you know that Dasani is the only water that actually is tap water?

I taste alot of difference between waters. I like Deer Park, Sams Choice, Aquafina I can't stand Nestle (it tastes old/stale to me)

Alot depends on the trace minerals in the water. I like tap water in Baltimore area

Our tap water (city) is only good for cooking. My husband will only drink reverse osmosis water, like Arrowhead or Refreshe (Safeway brand).

When we're on a roadtrip though, I either don't care or prefer Evian or Calistoga water. Why, because I guess they're brands I've always liked. (I try to avoid Dasani since Coke owns them.)

Dasani, is really great or if you have a filter at home when you connect it to the sink it taste wonderful. Fountain water has a bad taste in our city.

store brand no matter what store I'm in unless a name brand is on sale for less.


AQUAFINA! It is the purest tasting water EVER. I mean YOU KNOW that water tastes good when you can actually drink it warm! I highly recommend it!

I used to like deer park, but after I got used to aquafina, deer park started to taste like something was in it lol.

any type of bottled water although most companies use city water as their water source then bottle it they must meet specific requirements....

well water and city water sometimes taste like dirt

Cold and filtered water is the best type of water because you don't have the nasty chemicals that companies might put into them and it just tastes "fresher" because any extra bacteria is filtered out (mostly) and you wouldn't want warm water, would you?

tap water,if it's clean and safe to drink, because it's cheap and I don't really taste a difference.
Where I live the water tastes like led, so I just buy the store brand. As I said, I can't taste a difference between different brands.However, when I travel to countries where you can't drink the tap water, I always stick to brand names like Evian or the like, because I know they are safe to drink, as opposed to the local brands.

I hate tap water (doesn't matter if it's city water or irrigation water) and sparkling water. Never had well water. There are some brands of bottled water I'm not crazy about. I go for regular bottled water.

Store brand and name brand water tastes the same to me. Honestly, doesn't it come from the same place? I roll my eyes at the labels because I have had fresh mountain spring water and it tastes nothing like what is advertised on bottles as being "bottled straight from the source". Fresh mountain spring water straight off the mountain is the ultimate in pure and refreshing. It has a taste that can't be duplicated in the bottles. Where I was born, a local ski resort had figured out a way to take the water from the mountain and run pipes into a drinking fountain in one of the staff-only buildings. Oddly enough, the pipes didn't even alter the taste which you would expect them to do. But once you bottled that water in any way, you completely lost all of the fresh pure taste and it tasted like your average namebrand/storebrand water.

smart water,fiji

A few months ago, Fiji water ran a campaign in which it said "Because it's not bottled in Cleveland". The Cleveland Water department took offense and tested both Fiji and city water. It turned out that good old Lake Erie water beat out Fiji in regard to possibly dangerous chemicals and minerals.
Personnally I like tap water, but as far as bottled water I prefer DeerPark, Aquafina, and Dasani. I would have to be very, very thirsty to even touch Nestle!

I like Glaceau's Vitamin Water

Perrier and Fuji

Crystal Geyser, mostly. Personally, I think all bottled water tastes the same, but I just like the name, Crystal Geyser.

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