I distilled water ok to drink..im making Kool-Aid and im using a jug of it?!
I distilled water ok to drink..im making Kool-Aid and im using a jug of it?
yea its fine, distilled water is boiled water to reomve impurites and any minerals, chemicals, etc. Pure water.
I hope it's ok to drink because I drink it all the time.
depends on how much ur makingand what u call ajug u have no pitcher? fill that two packs and ur done
yes it is, I drink it alot.
yes it is, but I think it has less nutritional value for you. but I am not sure exactly
it's ok to drink except that it has no minerals that our body needs.
It sure is.
Distilled water is fine for you to make Kool-Aid with and to drink.
Well it is not the best tasting stuff in the world but you can drink it. It want hurt you that is for sure, it is suppose to be the most purified water there is.
yes. it's better than tap water
Definately! I have been drinking it primarily for over five years and my mother in law for over twenty. It has nothing in it bad it is just h2o, no chemicals or minerals or pollutants that tap has.