When making tea...?!


When making tea...?

My friend and I have a tea related on-going argument. She prefers to just add the boing water and wait (a life-time) for the tea to infuse properly then take the tea bag out, and then add the milk. Whereas I think its best to let in infuse well, helping this happen with some stiring, add the milk check its the right colour and then remove the tea bag.

I'm with you on this one. Give the bag ( tea, not your friend ) a good press and stir to get things done in a few seconds..add milk, remove bag after a good press againt the cup side.

Finally, add a quick dash of whisky, even for breakfast.

Fancy a cuppa ? ( I've got cream cakes ! )

bloody hell, did i really get a Ph.D to end up answering questions on tea making. I think i need more direction to my life.

If you add the milk first, you lower the temperature so that you can't get a perfect cup of tea (coffee, on the other hand, brews at about 97 degrees C). what I do is bung the teabag in, squish the life out of it, leave it 2 minutes or longer and then add the milk (you can test the colour by putting the spoon just under the surface). This works for me as I like my tea to be stronger than Superman. Vary this for wimpier cups.

best way is to put boiling water into the cup with the tea bag in,add suger if desired,then leave for 2 or 3 minutes,stir whilst adding a little milk and then remove tea bag with teaspoon.

stirring. definitely.

Life is all about balance. The best way is to put the bag in, add the water and leave it for a little while, then give the bag a stir and a squeeze before taking it out. Then dilute with the milk as needed. Hurray!

I've always been told that adding boiling water "bruises" the tea... The water should be just below boiling temperature. Also, I think it's ok to stir the tea a bit to help it along, but don't add milk until after you remove the tea.

I make my tea the same way your friend does. I think the instructions may be on tea boxes.

no offense but your friend is weird

I always put the milk in first

Usually I just bung everything in give it a quick stir or two and then remove the bag. I'll rather have my brew quickly, then wait an age for the "perfect" brew.

Should steep 3-5 min. I don't think that's a lifetime and I don't think stirring really helps that much. I'd add milk after checking the color as the milk is going to stop some of the steeping action since it is colder. Then again, I don't add milk at all.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but the proper way seems to be your friend's.
Although it takes MUCH longer the taste is (just a little bit) better this way.
BTW I prefer to do it your way because it takes way too long otherwise...

I always let the tea mash, take the tea bag out an then add milk+sugar. you can make it as strong/weak as you like both ways though. its all about what you prefer!

Every one likes it their own way , I put the water on the tea bag give it a stir then add the milk,
Then when it looks strong enough take the tea bag out


There are merits to both ways. I personally use the same method as you, however the best cuppa comes from loose leaf tea brewed in a teapot, y'know the whole English afternoon tea bit. Cucumber sandwiches optional though!

Your friend is right, add the boiling water-must be boiling, let it infuse for a lifetime and then add the milk. If you eant to be really proper you warm a teapot with the boiling water, toss that water out and then add the teabags or tea and put more boiling water and insfuse for about ten minutes.

I wish I had things like this bothering me..

Tea bags?????

You can't make a proper cup of tea with tea bags.
Nasty things make bitter tea.

Loose leaf tea is what's required here.

I prefer coffee and cream with a shot of Bushmills...but, I've always been wierd like that.
And a toke on the ol' Churchwarden stuffed with burley is a nice compliment to that. Gawd I luv that smell!

Tea brews best with water at 100C poured into a warmed tea pot. I prefer leaf tea but tea bags are OK. leave to brew and pour into cup after milk so the hot water does not curdle the milk which can happen if milk is poured in last.

I deplore the continental habit of a tea bag in tepid water as this does not give you tea but dish water flavour if you get any flavour at all.

As an aside the temperature for coffee should be 86C to 90C so that the bitter essences in the coffee are not boiled out into the drink. Again restaurants that serve lukewarm coffee are to be avoided as again the full flavour of the coffee bean requires hot not boiling water.

I hope this helps and you start to enjoy full flavoured tea and coffee in the future.

Can't stand the thought of pouring milk over the tea bag - it will go all rancid and smelly (even if it is in the bin)! Please take it out first!

I always boil water on the stove, add the tea bag... let the water continue boil with the tea bag until the tea is as strong enough as I want it. Take out the tea bag. Then I dilute it with milk until it's the right color. And that's how I make milk tea.

you are both wrong. The tea should be made in a teapot. The tea pot should be swilled out with boiling water then the tea leaves put in the hot empty pot, 1 teaspoon per person and one for the pot. pour on boiling water, put on lid and teacozy. wait 3 minutes. put in empty cup milk and sugar to taste, pour tea through strainer if you hate tealeaves in your cup. and enjoy real tea.

i agree with the way you make a cup of tea tastes better

I agree with you on this one

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