Can soda make you fat?!


Can soda make you fat?

yes itcan

I think maybe it's the acid and carbonation that makes your belly swell...I noticed a little pudge once and quit drinking belly slimmed down however I did not lose a pound!

Well, if you drink too much of it, maybe. Soda has a lot of calories. usually about 120-150 per can.

Yes ,very much .Its a lot of calories and gas .


They say if u drink one can of soda a day in a years time you will have gained over 6 pounds.

i was addicted to diet pepsi. When I stopped and switched to water I lost weight. I know it is really good for you

Sure can.
150 calories in each can definitely adds up.

I used to be a regular soda drinker, but have recently switched to diet colas (my fave is Diet Dr. Pepper) and the taste really isn't all that bad once you get used to it.

Drinking non-diet colas are such a waste of calories, even though every once in awhile it's not a bad thing.

yes, because of the amount of sugar

Absolutely! There are about 140 calories, 39g of sugar and 50mg of sodium not to mention around 39g of carbohydraytes. Translated means you can easily get fat or fatter by drinking soda. Try water.

Yes of course, soda has as many calories as cake.

anything with that many calories, sugar, carbs, etc can make you fat...even if it is liquid!

Yes, most types of soda have a lot of calories, not to mention sugar. If you drink it without having any kind of activity to work off the calories, the sugar and calories will turn into fat.

Yes. It does make people fat. If you cut out soda and change nothing else about your diet, you can lose 5 to 10 pounds. Soda is filled with Calories. If you exercise a lot and eat healthy, it's ok to have a soda from time to time. But, if you constantly drink soda (even diet soda) and don't work out, you will absolutely gain weight.

Yes it can! Has high fructose corn syrup and surgar.

yess........coz it contains gaseous substances.

Yes. If you remember, sode used to come in 16 oz. bottles. Then 20 oz. and now you can get 24 oz. bottles? The reason being is that they started adding HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). It's a very inexpensive sweetener, so they started adding it and could give you more soda at around the same price. The problem with HFCS is that unlike glucose which is stored in the liver to be used as energy later, HFCS metabolizes into fat. I have a friend that lost a substantial amount of weight by cutting out soda.

yes because of the high sugar content!

i heard that it can b/c of the calories

Not only does it contain a lot of gas that gets you bloated, but it also contains a lot of sugar.

You bet cha! 140 to 180 calories, sodium, sugar, carbonation, food coloring that stains your teeth. The ONLY thing that's good about it, is it tastes great! Drink water, and put Propel flavoring in it- much better for you.

Yes! If you are drinking regular, full sugar soda, then absolutely.

Yes it can . Cut out all soda for a month and replace it with juice and water and you will see the differance in your weight and in how clear your skin is .


Uh...YES...since 1 can of soda has 8 spoons of sugar in it...

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