In your opinion..... Does water actually have a flavor?!


In your opinion..... Does water actually have a flavor?

If you say it does, how would you describe the flavor of water?

I remember hearing or reading that what we taste is the minerals and impurities. And that it could be a different taste for individuals that are lacking a certain mineral(s). Not sure how this works. The best water for me is when I cannot detect an abundance of chlorine, metals. So I suppose the best flavor is a lack of flavor.

it depends on the water

yes it has a flavor, or else we could'nt tell if a place has bad water. It's almost impossible to describe, i'd say a very slight celery flavor, if it were anything.

pshhh ya! like every water tastes different xcept i cant explain it its too hard to explain.

Water can taste of chlorine, or other minerals. I have actually tasted water from a mountain stream (my guide said it was safe) and I could swear it had an almost sweet taste to it.

The source of the water really makes the difference. Some have a sweet taste, usually from springs. The water from a well usually has a mineral taste, sort of like the smell of mineral tablets, more like bottled mineral water. Some waters taste salty, like Dasani, but that's because they add sodium and potassium to make it "enriched".


there are diffeerent kinds of taste in water like tap water and flavored water taste different

i think it does cuz our tap water has too much zinc one day or too much chlorine the other and i can definaitly tell.

Fresh water should have no taste..but they add some substanes to filter it ..

Yes, especially if you have travelled to other cities or countries and tasted their water. I live in Ontario, Canada . The water here is superb. It is thirst quenching, pleasant in a bland way. Deliciously refreshing when served with ice on a blistering hot day in the summer.

I think it does...There are so many waters out there, that I actually tasted quite a few...In my opinion water from the sink stinks...I choose NORTHWEST! Mountain Spring water for my choice!

I don't think it does because they make flavor water bottles.

Usually you think of water as having a neutral flavor. But when you taste water from another region, you see that all water is not the same. I

This is a definite, YES. I have traveled to many countries and have had water from many different sources. I honestly prefer my water cool, straight up. Although, once you take water and bottle it, or put it in a container, it takes on a new flavor. If you have ever drank from a canteen or camelback you can relate. New plastic storage containers make water taste horrible.

In my opinion,YES. There are even a few bottled water companies I refuse to ever drink from again. Just nasty.

Of course... I hate the taste of most tap water, but you cant beat ice cold bottled spring water

I think it depends on the water, especially bottled brands. I can only drink Aquafina - Dasani makes me gag.

I think it does. . .And I don't really like to drink plain water. . .I like fruit water or something way better. Or juice!

Bottled water tastes very clean and fresh and cold. Crisp flavor. I like my tap water just as much though. We have a softener. And it tastes better than many peoples houses water that i go to.

no,my opinion is that water does not have a flavor

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