Is tea (as in the drink) bad for you?!


Is tea (as in the drink) bad for you?

check out the following link.

scientists have found that if you put milk in your tea then the beneficial effects of tea are minimalised. it's due to protein in milk called casein, this protein blocks the effect of tea on your arteries. basically if you drink tea with out milk then it is reall healthy and helps to prevent heart disease... but dont drink too much as too much is not good.

No, quite the opposite. It has been proven to have positive effects on health, particularly on cardiovascular health.


The benefits far outway any drawbacks.

It has a lot of caffeine in it so it's not exactly healthy for you

however, green tea is healthy - it's an antioxidant

Tea is very good for you especially without milk. Green tea has even greater health benefits.

On the news this morning, they said it was good for you as long as you didn't add milk. I wouldn't believe it though... they'll probably prove it wrong in a week ar two!!!

No unless you drink a gallon per day.

As long as you drink it without sugar its pretty healthy,its full of antioxidants

If it is,then Im afraid I`m a gonner

Funny you ask. Here's an article published today on Yahoo news. Tea = Good, Tea & Milk = Bad

Yea tea is good for you. It's better for you though when there is no milk. Tea is also way better for you then coffee thats why you see many food chains serving tea on there menu because its helthier.

There were reports this morning that tea without milk is actually very beneficial to your heart, so go for it!!!

As opposed to what?

The caffeine in tea is actually has a slightly different chemical composition than that in coffee, and the amounts can vary as well. There is nothing inherently injurious about drinking tea or coffee, as long as you do so in moderation.

The caffeine in tea is bad for you becuase caffeine depletes your vitamin c intake. That is why people say you should cut down on tea and coffee.. i.e. the caffeine Also, if you take it with milk and sugar, then these are not good either.

Green tea also contains caffeine although possesses high antioxidants. The best tea you can drink is white tea - which is not commonly known. This contains antioxidants but is caffeine free.

all types r gd for you contain antioxidents green tea is best its wot u add to it that can make it bad too much suger ect

Drinking Tea is good in times of Winter season. The English used to send Tea to England from India during their 200 years of rule. As England is a cold country and Tea also grows in Darjeeling, which is another cold place in India, the English who were non-alcoholic loved it very much because drinking Tea makes the body warm.
In times of Summer, you don't need to drink it at all.

No. A cup of tea contains less caffeine than coffee and also has health benefits because of the antioxidants it contains. It does however contain tannins (as does red wine) which can inhibit the absorption of iron. Therefore, anyone prone to anaemia should avoid drinking it with food. Avoid adding sugar to it and make sure that you don't substitue your recommended water intake with it which should still be 6-8 glasses a day.

no.... many tea like green tea and rooibos tea have medicinal qualities. have a cuppa.....

If only it were my only vice I would be laughing.

It didn't do the Queen Mother any harm!

tea is a healthy drink. if u do not take too much it only helps. green tea is better . tea is an anti oxidant. in most places tea is taken for its medicinal properties. about 3 cups is just fine in a day. more can be harmful.

No tea is good for you. tea is better than water according to a news report in BBC..and also a lot of benefits

Boosts your immune system
Lowers blood sugar
Helps prevent cavities and tooth decay
Slows the aging process
Helps reduce the risk of cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Aids in weight loss by burning calories
Reduces high blood pressure
Prevents arthritis
Reduces the risk of heart disease
Reduces the risk of stroke
Lowers the risk of blood clot

No, not at all. Herbal teas are especially good for you

try this white tea called "silver needle baihao" there are only a few shops that sells it , but it is such a refreshing drinks with all the health benefits that is associated with tea added on as well.
Well worth a go.

its not too bad for you infact it has floride in it whitch is really good for your teeth.

adding milk to your tea gets rid of the goodness so if you want it healthy have tea on its own. If you drink it a lot then drink decaf aswell! If you don't lyk tea without milk then try fruit tea or herbal tea!

Anything you drink in moderation is not bad for you so if you like tea drink it

NO.....well i hope not . i'm a bit of a tea-a-holic you see

not at all. it was medicine in ancient china. its got all sorts of good stuff in it, but dont put milk in it it cancels out all the good stuff.

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