Is too much red bull bad?!
Is too much red bull bad?
YES! You need water to help you survive, not red bull or any other energy drink. You will wind up with kidney failure. Cut it down to maybe one a day and drink more water, you might be surprised with how much energy you will have.
yea stop it good luck
its not good for sure. i used to have a seious addiction to it. i would sometimes have up to 10 cans a day, especially if i was mixing it with alcohol. i have since given it up, if i do have one its very rare. but it got to the point where i would get heart palpataions and find it difficult to breathe. so be careful.
you'll shoot your eye out.
like everything else in life, yes.
ANY red bull is bad, or similar energy drinks. The high dose of caffeine and assorted chemicals are awful for you. The source of the caffeine is particularly suspect, it's not the same as in coffee, for example. Stay away, and go with a more natural "high" like exercise!
one can a day is more than enough! and don't mix with coffe or caffenated drinks!
yes you could get a major sugar high. it has happened to me and it's not pretty. then once it wears down your body cant handle it and you will need sleep/
Yes . actually any energy drink is like the worst thing that you can put into your body . It is extremely bad for your heart .