Is coke bad for the body? If so, how?!


Is coke bad for the body? If so, how?

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5 months ago
You've told me why it's bad for me, can someone tell me how it's bad for me please?

Thank you.

5 months ago
How much is too much? is up to 6 cups a day and sometimes more considered unhealthy?

5 months ago
You've told me why it's bad for me, can someone tell me how it's bad for me please?

Thank you.

5 months ago
How much is too much? is up to 6 cups a day and sometimes more considered unhealthy?

The phoshoric acid in coke can stain as well as etch away the enamel of your teeth. When you factor in the sugar the damage is greatly increased.

Also soft drinks have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones. The phosphate content of Coca -Cola is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium. Long term consumption of Coca cola and other soft drink can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis.

Caffeine is a diuretic. It causes water loss in the body which can lead to dehydration and extra stress on the kidneys. Caffeine triggers more calcium loss in the kidneys (see above).

The sugar content in such drinks directly increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. Both of which can lead to more health problems.

Now that being said I am going to finish my Coke and get back to work

It will rot your teeth and who knows what else. In moderation probably ok. I do not drink any of that stuff though only in emergency when nothing else is around.

too much sugar and caffiene.

It has lots of caffeine and sugar in it but if you consume it in moderation it is not bad for you. Too much of anything is bad for you.

has a lot of sugar and a little caffeine so if you limit yourself , it won't hurt you.

Yeah it is pepsi is better for your body because coke has so much artificial flavoring with syrup. Well that's what I heard.

I dout that all those rumors of what actual coke does is wrong but the amount of sugar is bad

my nose starts to bleed after a few lines, im sure thats not good. but oh well.

and if you od you can have a heart attack

soda f***s your kidneys.

What kind of coke are we talkin about?

Coca Cola has a lot of sugar to rot your teeth and affect your blood sugar, and dye that will stain your teeth. But, like all things, in moderation it's not gonna hurt you. If you go drinkin 10 cans a day now, that's unhealthy.

i drink coke but ive seen some things done with it like....
it shines up pennies nice
cleans battery terminals in cars
helps take rust off bumpers
cops have used it to clean blood off the roads
these are just to name a need to make up your own mind

All soda's with caffeine dehydrate your body a bit. And they also make you retain water too, so they can make you look a bit chubbier than you actually are. Plus all soda's that are non diet are filled with empty calories so if you drink a lot of them you can put on the weight pretty fast. And any drink that is dark like that, like Coke/Pepsi, tea, and coffee can stain your teeth and make them not as white.
Other than that it doesn't really do anything bad to you that is permanent.

I watched the myth busters show when they did the coca cola myths and it isn't true that it is a good cleaning abrasive, it didn't make the penny shinny, and it didn't clean up the car's battery.

All dark colored soda is bad for you, that's what I've always been told.

yes of course, coke and pepsi, the two giants in softdrinks are really killing people all over the world. Cok e, 100 milli, contains 10 mg of megnatium , cadmium and and carrbon isotop which may be cause cancer to throat n mouth specially in 3rd world countries where health regulations and laws are not strictly followed

yes but pepsi is better

look at it this way coke can be used as a cleaning abrasive, do you really want that to go through your body. Mechanics use it and it does clean stuff watch mythbusters they did a test on it. It cleaned the penny ^_^

yes it is. there was a show on t.v the other night about this. do you know they were showing a man cleaning a battery in his car with coke? the acid from the coke was eating through all that grime .then they were showing how people were cleaning out the drains in their sinks with coke and baking soda. people clean their toilet bowls with coke. the acid removes the stains. so i would say yes to this question

Yes it is bad for the body because it contains a high quantity of sugar. In one glass there are approx 6 tsp of sugar. Would you stir in 6 tps of sugar to water and drink it? - it would seem wrong and yet we drink it in coke. The fizziness and temperature take away the awareness of the over sweetness, try drinking it flat and most people would hate it. It also contains various chemicals, stimulants and additives. These are so harsh that they can clean a dirty coin if you drop one into a glass of coke. The acid in coke is very harsh on teeth too and drinking a lot can lead to tooth decay which in turn can lead to bad health symptoms. The excessive sugar in coke if drank often can greatly increase the risk of being overweight and of diabetes, which then lead to other health problems. So the answer is in excess as in everyday yes it is very bad for the body in moderation as in now and again the effects are not quite so bad.

Ohh yeah! Too much sugar for starters.

However the worst part is the phosphoric acid which robs calcium from bones leading to osteoporosis. How? Bones are made from calcium ionic compound. The phosphoric acid in coke/pop gets converted to phosphate which is much more attractive to the calcium ions in the blood than the carbonate ions in the blood. Thus the calcium ions pair in calcium phosphate and are eliminated as waste instead of being incorporated into bones as calcium carbonate.

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