How long does it take for caffeine withdrawl symptoms to go away?!


How long does it take for caffeine withdrawl symptoms to go away?

I have been drinking 1-3 cups of coffee/cans of diet coke every day for more than a year and I'm trying to stop. Can someone tell me (maybe if you've been through something similar) how long it takes for the headaches and fatigue to go away? I have been caffeine-free for 4 days and so far the symptoms haven't gotten any better. Also, are there any home remedies or quick-fix cures that might help? Thanks very much!

So sorry!!! I know how you feel!!!

Well, the conventional wisdom is that symptoms of caffeine withdrawal should go away within about a week. That's average. For me, it takes about that long.

As far as quick fixes, I suggest not quitting cold turkey! You'll lessen your symptoms dramatically if you cut down slowly over a week or two. If you drink three cups/cans a day, cut down to two, then one, then none. That might help!

Good luck!

it takes about a month..well it did for is tough going..i had headaches sucks...i slip up and have a coffee once in a great while..and i can definitely tell the diference...i get really jittery and it sucks

I quit caffeine and it tooka few weeks to get over the headaches. i guess it could have been worse, but it sucked for those 2 weeks.

A cup of tea or 2 might take the edge off plus tea's supposed to be good for you.

Different for everyone. I am pregnant and have been staying away from it. But a had a cup of coffee the other day and thought I would NEVER get to sleep again. Next day, HEADACH!!! Blah.

Just a day or so. Flush it out with water.

First did you go cold turkey or step down? If you when cold turkey there really isn't anything you can do except flush it out with water or you could go to the stepping down method. The stepping down method is from 3 cups of coffee you go two for one week. The next week you go to one. For the third week you have one every other day. Then the next week one every three days, until you no longer have to have diet Coke every day. Until it's just something you have as a treat or as a needed basis. I went through it to and it hard at first but it gets easier and you just have to keep at it.

I have tried quitting coffee, and will no longer try. I am resolved on one point: I can't live without it.

It takes 1-3 days of headaches, 2-4 weeks of extreme fatigue.

Whenever I cut back on coffee, I crave chocolate, and eat so much of it that it makes me sick. Better to just drink the coffee.

Have you tried just cutting down to one cup? Why are you trying to quit? It isn't that bad for you.

it could take up to 3 weeks,but get some vitamins ,down you.

For me it took 2 days of feeling utterly terrible and one day more of just feeling listless and wrung out. This was after 40 years of around 10 - 12 cups of strong coffee a day.

It might be better to cut back gradually unless you have time off work.

I quit cold turkey and it was awful. I had headaches for a week and felt fatigued for about 2 months. I actually cried once because my husband was drinking coffee in front of me. I now drink decaf green tea, but nothing will ever replace coffee. :( My mornings have never been the same.
I wish you luck.

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