Soya milk?!


Soya milk?

Why is it that soya milk is considered healthier than regualr milk? Is it just the fat content? Surely completely skimmed milk is just as low fat?

Soy milk is nutritionally close to cow's milk, though most soy milk commercially available today is enriched with added vitamins such as vitamin B12. It naturally has about the same amount of protein as cow milk. Natural soy milk contains little digestible calcium as it is bound to the bean's pulp, which is insoluble in a human. To counter this, many manufacturers enrich their products with calcium carbonate which can dissolve in the acid of the stomach. Notably it has little saturated fat, which many consider to be a benefit. Lower fat varieties, however, contain less protein than cow's milk.

Soy milk is promoted as a healthy alternative to cow's milk for reasons including:

Contains no antibiotics, hormones, cholesterol, or links to cancer, diabetes, and other diseases
Diabetes management through its ability to control blood sugar levels. However, diabetics should be aware that most brands of soymilk - even those labelled "plain" or "organic" - are actually sweetened. Look for the word "unsweetened" on the label.
Source of lecithin and vitamin E
Lacks casein
Safe for people with lactose intolerance or milk allergy
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good for the heart.
Contains isoflavones, organic chemicals, that may possibly be beneficial to health


soya milk is bad

Cows milk is harder for your body to digest and in some people it causes production of thicker mucus. although the fact that rainforests are being cut down to grow soya may be a downside but then aparently cow farts harm the enviroment!!! You can't win lol

I think its more because its non-dairy, ideally suited for people with allergies to dairy products and some people claim that dairy products especially milk ain't good for you, as for the reasons why dairy isn't good for you I'm not sure.

milk is an emulsion.
i.e. a suspension of fats in water.
hope that doesn't put ne1 off!!
soya milk is more healthy i believe but when i tried it
it tasted vile.
love and hugs

Apparently the Japanese don't have so many problems with heart attacks and cancers as the Brits. This has been put down to a healthier diet including large quantities of fish and soya protein. Most people develop a mild intolenernce to milk after being weaned of their mother's breast milk and that's why many singers don't take dairy products before performances - it causes catarhh. Soya has heart protecting properties and is a healthier protein than dairy milk.

Saw ya coco. I think its because of the lactose content in cows milk, which many people develop an allergy to.

It's good for you. Did you know that humans are the only mammals that keep drinking milk in their adulthood. Not only that but we don't drink our human milk but cows milk! Our bodies were not built to digest cows milk, because we are not cows.

Soy milk, not having come from an animal, has been considered better than cow's milk for human beings. So Soya Beans are extensively used and promoted as healthy alternative to animal protein. However there is growing evidence that soya beans, while containing high quantity and quality protein contains other phyto (plant) substances that are detrimental and dangerous to human health, interfering with digestion of essential nutrients and metabolic diseases. However soya beans have been used by Asian cultures for many generations, after they learned to ferment it to make it a viable human food. Thre is now evidence that there is a vast difference in the various ways of preparing soy products nd the health benefits or detriments accordingly. The Asians traditionally use fermentation to achieve this process. the more recently developed westerrn techniques use industrialized chemical extraction methods. The production of soy protein isolate, while it may isolate the protein to make it more available, uses destructive and harmful methods that render the end product toxcic and harmful to human health. Just because tofu is of vegetable origin does not necessarily make it healthy.


no well from my religion says that we are not treating the cows properly and the method it is made by is not good because it hurts the cow. soya beans on the other side are not as hurt as much as the cows. if you care about animals you would try it.

Soya milk contains some healthy stuff but it's actually worse than milk coz it's also heavy for the organism. And it does not taste nice.

Soy milk is high in calcium and protein.

It doesn't taste bad if you get the right brand.

i h8 the stuff but cows milk blocks the arteries whereas soya milk clears them! TRUE FACT

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