Benifits of milk?!


Benifits of milk?

Is it true that cow milk causes many problems in humans like cancers of the intestine, chrones and diabetes in children?

in the book food your miracle medicine by Jean Carper she references studis that do show a correlation with diabetes in young children.

There is also a direct and strong correlation with drinkling milk and prostrate cancer and also with multiple sclerosis.

It is not so much the milk if we were able to get raw milk that would be one thing in moderation, but the processing...when one pasteurizes the milk they damage it and kill the enzymes. I once read a study where kittens got very sick drinking pastuerized milk compared to kittens drinking raw milk which were much healthier if I remember correctly.

When they homogenize milk so the cream does not rise to the top, they change the molecular structure of the milk so it is no longer milk..this had some problems associated with drinking it as well.

Of course they are loaded with antibiotics and pesticides from the diet they are given. Dr. Schulze said he was looking at some cows standing deep in the mud up to their udders one day by a fence and the veteranarium was there and when asked about the antibiotics the vet told him the tank was impossible to keep clean so they just dump a bunch of antibiotics right in the milk. Drink milk and you are drinking antibiotics. No wonder we are getting resistant strains of antibiotics when it dumped by the tons in our system,. They also are pumped with dangerous growth hormones in order o produce many, many more gallons of milk than normal..these hormones are thought to be unbalancing human hormones and correlasted with sexual deviance and reproductive cancers.

Also Dr Christopher in his book school of natural healing tells of dairy farmers where the people would not give up milk at his recommendation and he later examined them when they had health problems and the teeth were rotted at the gum line for drinking so much milk. One if the family hated milk and never drank it and that one had perfect teeth not even a cavity,.

We are told milk prevents otsteoporous, but actually milk causes osteoporous by leeching the calcium from our bones due to too much protein. tThis probably expains the heavy milk drinkers teeth problems.

Cows given raw apple cidar vinegar to drink (in water with or without honey) had strong dense bones that were hard to cut through and arteries that were easy to cut through unlike the average cow which is the opposite due to calcium deposits leaving veins etc and going into the bones. People also had less artritus and stronger bones.

But even if one had raw, organic milk, it still has the hormones etc from the cow to build a 3000 pound animal and we are the only species that drinks milk past weaning and from another species. Milk is NOT good food.

you shoukd not drink too much of it, but just enough to keep you healthy. the rule in this world is too much of anything is not good.

Yes I have some "issues" cause of milk now I can not have ANY dairy at all. So just be careful with it, small amounts.

& where did u get those info from?

Yes. It also causes digestive problems for most adults.

No species should drink the milk of another species.

Milk is a god source of protein and calcium, but the abuse of it can drive you into different diseases, mostly of them in the stomach are and the in other hand there is people who are allergic to the milk and it derives like cheese, yogurt, etc. These people need to take a pill for lactose intolerance to prevent reflux and other symptoms of lactose intolerance.

I would be wary of the genetically modified hormones (recombinant bovine growth hormone or rBGH) that is injected into cows to help them produce much more milk than they would normally, and it gets into the milk. There is controversy about whether or not this growth hormone may contribute to cancer and tumors in people who drink it.

Do a search for BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE and read for yourself.

I would avoid milk altogether. And when you think of it, you're drinking a cow's body fluid, not much different than blood, other than the color.

who eva told you that was makin up bull ****. i drank cow milk since i was lyk 2 or sumfin and im not dead yet

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