How bad is soda pop for you? I drink about 2 liters a day of diet pop.?!


How bad is soda pop for you? I drink about 2 liters a day of diet pop.?

Soda diet or otherwise is not good for you, especially in large quantities.To get a good picture I suggest watching the movie Super Size Me. it's a real eye opener.

dam soda pop is not good for you start drinking water you know you feel more tired when you drink pop then if you drink water i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

From what we have been reading lately, soda pop, is not good for you. Especially in the amount that you drink every day. It may be the diet type, but it still has a lot of things that can harm you in large amounts.

if you drink about on soda can a day you could gain 15 extra pound a year but if you drink 2 sodas then yuo could gain 30 lbs.

FYI: diet soda is also bad for you it still makes you gain a lot of

You sure like to float! Is it bad??? LoL You must be kidding...You must know about the effects caffeine, artificial sweeteners, dyes, and other things in your soda does to your heart, brain and Yes, how good it is to wash car windows.

I drink it occasionally, but prefer water, alot of soda can't be good for anyone.

Listen up!!!! soda doesnt do much 2 u .. all it does is decrease bone mass by 4/100 of a millimeter every 2 yrs. and gaining pounds is a myth

soda is bad for you because it contains an igredient that slowly disintegrates your bones and if you reak your bone it will heal just dont drink a lot of it.

If you are young, this is probably not hurting you significantly. Of course, diet pop has various artificial chemicals, and the more you get of anything like that, the less your body will like it. Virtually everything has a toxic dose level, after all. No sense going overboard on anything.

Could you substitute just plain water, or some of these new flavored waters for some of the pop? It would probably be better than all that gas in the long run, and you can get them in all-natural flavors, because they are not expected to be sweet.

If nothing else suits you, look at Gatorade. It is apparently healthier for people who drink a lot specifically because they sweat a lot; that is, people who are fairly athletic.

Dude, if you keep drinking this much a day, your health is going to go down the drain. (if it hasn't already) cut back on the pop a bit more each day, before you know it you'll be down to half a can.

My cousin did that with diet coke and it eventually ate a hole in her stomach and now she cant ever drink pop. But I unfortunatley dont know the real numbers.

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