Do people still buy bottled water in the uk or was it just a fad?!


Do people still buy bottled water in the uk or was it just a fad?

My parents do, and my parents in law do, they say it tastes nicer. Which is rubbish. Over xmas I filled a water bottle with tap water , and chilled it in the fridge, the parents did not even notice the difference.

i buy a bottle of water for work everyday

work in shop.

amazing how many people buy bottled water.. its crazy!!!!!!!

i do! our tap water is always cloudy looking :( and its more thirst quenching to buy when out than fizzy drinks etc..

I do, because where I am now the water is so chalky, when I was in South Wales the water was great so i didn't.

I only buy bottled water for drinking....I wouldn't buy bottled water for making coffee or tea though! I just think It tastes different....more smell of Chlorene!

Sure they do and it is a huge industry. I personally can't understand it but it is far from being just a UK thing. I lived in the states more than 15 years ago and people were buying water there at that time plus it is an every day occurence in many parts of Europe too.

Yes the idiots still buy it!! I just use filtered tap water - it is the same thing!!

I do!! We have hard water in our area so bottled is much nicer!

Judging from the fact that there's a whole aisle of the stuff at Tesco, it's far more than a fad! I think people are still worried about the health risks of drinking the chemical-tainted stuff that comes out of the taps.

lots of people buy bottled water..tap water tastes awfull.

I buy bottled water for the cooler at work and use a Brita filter at home. I live in a hard water area and it does make a difference.

However, I will drink straight tap water too

People still buy bottled water,I can remember when it was all the rage perrier water in pubs,landlord asks do you want ice in that,as if pub is going to make ice cubes with perrier water,and keep them seperate from ordinary ice.

I only buy it if I have forgotten to fill up a bottle at home - bottled water is a rip off! Although must admit I sometimes get it at restaurants if I am too embarassed to ask specifically for tap water, and it annoys me especially when it's Italian and comes in posh glass bottled then you know you're being taken for a ride.

I buy it when I'm out and about for something to drink-but not for use at home.

I, and most of my friends, buy bottled water everyday. Not only because it is more convenient but also because, I find, it tastes nicer than the local tap water. So for us, it wasn't a fad. :)

I'm in the UK and I buy it, I really don't like the taste of tap water

Yes, this continues to be one of the most profitable items for shops and manufacturers.

Yes, our tap water tastes of chlorine

yes still do, you can get really cute covers for them.

I don't, I fill up a bottle before I leave the house AND ask for tap water in restaurants (well, call me a cheapskate, but I'm not paying for water just because it's in a fancy bottle and comes from a different country).
Besides the cost (economically and environmentally) tap water has benefits that bottled water doesn't. Tap water helps you build up your immune system as it has all the impurities that the air has in it, where as bottled water will leave you vulnerable to attack! (slight exaggeration, but it's a valid point)

I always get bottled water.

Yes when we are out .

lol no people do still buy it!
i would buy a bottle at the start of the week and then re-use the bottle for that week.
way hay look at me go =)
one of my friends wont drink anything but bottled water thought!

yes people still buy bottled water its healthier than going for a cuppa

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