What age do you think that kids should drink rockstar.. the energy drink?!


What age do you think that kids should drink rockstar.. the energy drink?

im in the 7th grade and alot of my friends drink rockstar the energy drink... i do to0 and our parents dont know about it and theres a store that we go to in the morning to buy it.and since it`s sooooo close to our school we dnt have to worry about being late

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5 months ago
im in the 7th grade and alot of my friends drink rockstar the energy drink... i do to0 and our parents dont know about it and theres a store that we go to in the morning to buy it.and since it`s sooooo close to our school we dnt have to worry about being late.also i dont drink it all the time not like my other friend i drank one today and the last time i drank one was like 3 weeks ago its good but i dont drink it all the tim.i also dont do it because my friend do it my friend offered me some like a few months ago and i guess i just started buting it myself..no i dnont drink alot of caffine its just that my friends drink alot of energy drinks like go girl hyphy juice monster and other stuff like that and im worried about them

5 months ago
im in the 7th grade and alot of my friends drink rockstar the energy drink... i do to0 and our parents dont know about it and theres a store that we go to in the morning to buy it.and since it`s sooooo close to our school we dnt have to worry about being late.also i dont drink it all the time not like my other friends i drank one today and the last time i drank one was like 3 weeks ago its good but i dont drink it all the time.i also dont do it because my friends do it, i drank it because it was good. my friend offered me some like a few months ago and i guess i just started buying it myself..no i dont drink alot of caffine its just that my friends drink alot of energy drinks like go girl hyphy juice monster and other stuff like that and im worried about them

5 months ago
im in the 7th grade and alot of my friends drink rockstar the energy drink... i do to0 and our parents dont know about it and theres a store that we go to in the morning to buy it.and since it`s sooooo close to our school we dnt have to worry about being late.also i dont drink it all the time not like my other friend i drank one today and the last time i drank one was like 3 weeks ago its good but i dont drink it all the tim.i also dont do it because my friend do it my friend offered me some like a few months ago and i guess i just started buting it myself..no i dnont drink alot of caffine its just that my friends drink alot of energy drinks like go girl hyphy juice monster and other stuff like that and im worried about them

5 months ago
im in the 7th grade and alot of my friends drink rockstar the energy drink... i do to0 and our parents dont know about it and theres a store that we go to in the morning to buy it.and since it`s sooooo close to our school we dnt have to worry about being late.also i dont drink it all the time not like my other friends i drank one today and the last time i drank one was like 3 weeks ago its good but i dont drink it all the time.i also dont do it because my friends do it, i drank it because it was good. my friend offered me some like a few months ago and i guess i just started buying it myself..no i dont drink alot of caffine its just that my friends drink alot of energy drinks like go girl hyphy juice monster and other stuff like that and im worried about them

I love Rockstar! Sometimes me any my friends would buy a case of Bawls or a whole bunch of Vault and just play video games all night. There's nothing better.

Energy Drinks are fine. It can be harmful if you have too much, however. I'm only 12 and they haven't killed me yet!

You know that t-shirt that has a cig and an "X" through it, saying that there are cooler ways to die? Well, I'd have to say, caffiene overdose does sound much cooler. Not that it's a good thing. But if for some reason I had to die, that's what I'd want to die of.

I <3 Caffiene.

ya about 7th grade i dont like rockstar but i like monster

17 or 18

its just an energy drink. Dont sweat it.

i don't really know about age wise, but i think that if you are going to start to drink Rockstar do it because you like it and not becuz other people are doing it. peer presure*

its a bad idea, don't do it

Ideally, no one should drink it. It is unheathy. If you need to feel cool by drinking an energy drink, I suggest you drink the rockstar "fruit juice". It still provides all that hyper-active goodness, but is composed of 70% fruit juice, which provides some nutrients to an otherwise crap drink.

kids shouldnt drink energy drinks untile they are in like 11th grade it stunts your growth
no one should drink rock star because it can kill you i know a girl who was on the cheerleading squade who died of drinking rockstar she was in the 9th grade

Energy drinks have been proven to not work and give you energy. If you look under the fine print, it says FDA ha not certified this product which means it is not meant to prevent cure, or treat any disease. You shouldn't be wasting your money on a rocstar and the best way to wake you up in the morning is a good breakfast and an 8 hour sleep.

I agree 17 or 18

I think, you should wait until high school. Getting hooked on caffine at a young age is NOT a good thing!

it tastes good however no one should drink it it is not healthy

Energy drinks are bad, especially for kids. Sorry that I gave an "uncool" answer, but it's the truth.

Even though it's just an energy drink, be careful. Drink it as less as possible. I'm in 7th grade too!


you sound like you've been drinking a lot of caffeine.

Having one isn't the problem, it's when kids drink 2-6 so they get a rush. Your heart races and you feel weird. It is dangerous to do though. Read the can. It even says not to exceed X# per day. It would suck to have a heart attack at 13 years old!

In general it's not a good thing to get into a habit of taking something artificial to stimulate you. You should try to achieve having more energy by eating right, proper diet and exercise, even meditation. Once you get into this mindset of taking something for a desired effect, then what's next? A pill? Other drugs?... Give your body what it needs. Not this manufactured junk.

Okay...gonna get on my pedestal for a bit. Kids should not be drinking any type of energy drink...reason I say this is because I can't count how many kids come into my urgent care clinic with a mom who is freaking out because their "baby" is having heart palpitations and chest pain and come to find out it was because their "baby" is drinking something made with loads of caffeine and sugar but yet they want me to drop what I'm doing and save their child! Get a freakin' clue, people and use what little common sense you have in your brains!!! And don't yell and treat the doctor and nurse like crap when they tell you to stop drinking that crap!!! It's not our fault that the general public would rather be in denial about what they're putting into their bodies so they can be "cool" instead of taking responsibility for the fact that they're the reason for their bad health. I know I'm supposed to be compassionate but it gets really tiring when people just look at you like your stupid them when you try to tell them in an informed, considerate way that the energy drinks their child is drinking is what could be causing them to have the heart palpitations and chest pains.........so if that's what you're looking to get from those drinks, then by all means drink away....just know that if you go to the doctor because your heart feels like its going to beat out of your chest and you start sweating and getting hot flashes, which can sometimes happen with prolonged consumption of energy drinks, you're probably going to hear the same lecture I just gave and not get a whole lot of sympathy from the nurses and doctors...because as mean as it sounds, it just really gets on our nerves when people don't use common sense.

Please stop drinking that rot-gut until you are an adult. That stuff will ruin your teeth quicker than soda. Once your friends see how good you're doing and looking while not drinking it, maybe they'll follow suit. Then you will be a leader, and someone who can make responsible decisions that affect others.

it should be 17 to buy it

You should not be drinking it. It is not good for you. I know the warning says 12 and under, You should not drink that stuff till your a Senior in high school.

I personally don't think kids should be allowed to drink those energy drinks, even though sometimes I understand the need for "quick energy boost", it is best not to drink it. I would rather drink water and green tea. since you are young, stick with drinking soda once a while isn't bad.


Remember when marijuana was the lastest in high school. Now, they invented a better way to get you juiced up so you can move on the bigger and better things.....like... speed, crank, coke etc...


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