Does adding milk to tea block the absorption of the healthful substances in tea?!


Does adding milk to tea block the absorption of the healthful substances in tea?

Yes, it was on the news Sunday that milk will block the absorption of the healthy substances in tea.

Dr. Rosenfeld, doctor's house call program

if you put a stone in a soup it is still a soup. so NO i dont think so

Yes, according to some studies which were released last week.

Apparently, yes. There was quite a lengthy article in my newspaper. I couldn't tell you the details though, sorry.

NO!!! but caffeine prevents or damages the uptake of many important things in the body!!!

A study released last week said that the milk does block soem fo the beneficial effects of tea. Apparently taking milk in your tea is common in the UK, and they do not see some of the health benefits that other tea drinkers do (If I remember correctly, he priamry benefit that was lost was a softening of the arteries.)


While it might have a measurable negative impact on absorbtion of anti-oxidants, the only way to gauge this would be if there were two of you, and one used milk & one didn't! Since you only have the one "you" to work with, drink your tea the way you like it.

Think about it, if you REALLY want to have a significant impact on your health/longevity and wanted to modify your behaviour using the best available statistical data to do so, you will start wearing a crash helmet every time you ride in a car.

This is a far higher risk activity!

I dont think so, and about the studies... common you read everyday some new thing coming up. I read somewhere that tea is bad for diabetics, one more supernerd found out that tea is great to prevent cancer. Another Einstein found that tea has Tanin , some say it has caffeine, some say it makes you stay awake, some say its good for digestion,constipation related problems. Some say its bad for your teeth. Oh my God ... i think they are screwing with our brains. Lol, anyways ... i dont think it takes away anything!

yes some of the healthy benefits are lost

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