Which has less caffeine?!


Which has less caffeine?

I have a bladder infection so I'm not supposed to drink caffeine, but I have a horrible headache from not having any at all. Which has less...tea or Dr. Pepper?


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5 months ago
I am drinking water and cranberry juice...but I have to have something with caffeine in it to get rid of this headache I get when I haven't had any at all.

5 months ago
I am drinking water and cranberry juice...but I have to have something with caffeine in it to get rid of this headache I get when I haven't had any at all.

It depends on what kind of Tea you have, and if you make it or it is bottled.

A complete list of Caffeine content in bottled drinks is available at http://wilstar.com/caffeine.htm....

Dr Pepper has 41 mg
Nestea Sweet Iced Tea has 26.5
Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea has 26.0

However if you are making your own Tea, the length of the infusion in water affects the caffeine content. Black tea infused for 5 minutes yields 40-100 milligrams, whereas a 3-minute infusion produces 20-40 milligrams, or half as much. Twenty cups of green tea yield 240 milligrams, or about 12 milligrams per cup.

Because tea bags contain broken leaves of smaller size, they produce an infusion with more caffeine than loose tea does. This is also true of very fine loose tea.

However, if you having horrible headaches you are probable going threw Caffeine withdrawal. If you start drinking caffeine, you will get rid of your headache, but only as long as you keep drinking caffeine. Since you have been told to stop drinking caffeine, I would stop.

I would suggest you drink lots of cranberry juice, and take pain medication. My mother, an RN, has always told me that dosage on Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen is calculated for a 100lb person. You can take more to meet your weight. If you weight 150 lb take 1.5 times the max dosage. If you weight 200lb take twice the max. Etc. You can also alternate between Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Motrin) at alternating times. You are only supposed to use both every four hours, so take the max dose of Tylenol at noon then Motrin at 2pm then Tylenol again at four, etc. Also do not miss a dose for a while, even if the pain goes away. It is easier to keep pain away then to make it go away.

I hope that this helps.


Don't drink caffeine, drink LOTS of water and REST, also Cranberry juice is 'Wonderful' for bladder infections, in fact you should drink a glass EVERY day from now on to NOT get an infection again.

Be wise and stay away from both for they have too much caffeine, and it would cause much pain This is a good time to go cold turkey with the caffeine. I am sorry but a friends daughter just had surgery today and i do not think you want that. Take care of your self.

Been in the same boat sevearl times. It depends on the kind of tea. I thing regular tea (black tea) has about the same amount as most sodas. Do an internet search on "amounts of caffeine in drinks" or something like that. I think, when I was pregnant, I found that kind of info on WebMd.com. Usually, when I have a headach, I take excedrine, but not in this case. It has more caffeine than coffee I think.

Once I was on vacation, so I called my doctor (family friend) to see what I could do to ease the pain until I got home the next morning. He told me to drink baking soda in water. I think it was 1 teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon in 4 ounces of water. It doesn't have to be exact. Do it every hour. It sounds gross, but it tastes just like salt water. Also, go the drug store and by AZO. The pharmacist should be able to tell you where to find it. It's over-the-counter and releives the pain quickly. I've taken it when I've had infections, and by the second time I go to the bathroom, I feel a lot better.

Tea is the best way of course, you can get it without the caffeine...but you should really think about what is giving you the headache...sodas are addicting and that's why you could have a bladder infection..don't do any diet sodas they will mess you up bad. You should train your body to get over the withdraws from sodas and caffeine and the high fructose sugar. Drink something else I used tea for me and 100% juice. Take care good luck

If your drinking the cranberry juice and water then just drink some coffee. I have had the same problem and I drink my coffee (just less) but I don't stop entirely. To the mind and body that's ludacris! Your headache will just get worse.

Tea is best, it has caffien and lots of anti-oxidants which are good for your body......sleep well after you take all this, take plenty of rest and dont watch tv or sit in front of computer....sleep in a dark room for lots of time...your headache will vanish :) ...good luck

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