How much water is too much to drink in a day?!


How much water is too much to drink in a day?

I heard there's a condition (can't remember what it's called) that can be deadly and is caused by drinking too much water. I currently drink 5 to 6 full glasses (16 ounce glasses) of water a day which works out to 80 to 96 ounces daily. Is this amount ok or am I drinking too much? O yea and I wanted to add, I don't know if this will make a difference in the answer or not, that I'm currently 8 months pregnant. Thanks

Water intoxication can be deadly. Did you hear about the woman who was a contestant recently in a radio station sponsored water-drinking contest. She died from this. We're told to drink 8 glasses a day, but don't forget you also get water from everything you eat. Drink when you are thirsty, don't make it a project. Common sense says that your body will tell you if you need to drink water. I get most of my liquid from pepsi lol, which is 98 percent water. I'm a lot older than you and no where near dead yet!

Water intoxication and you would have to drink lots of water in a short amount of time.

If you drink your 8 glasses a day, you'll be fine.

your drinking a dandy amount of water.

6+ gallons

4 or 5 gallons is ok
at least for me

You are exactly correct in water consumption.

Drink as much water as you want. You'll know right away when it starts to make your sick. I believe the illness you are refering to is water intoxication.

128 oz. is the lethal limit per day

Anything more than a gallon is too much. It messes up the electrolytes in your system and your head starts to hurt. You lose your sence of balance. A woman died in Calif. last week in a Wee contest. The person who could drink the most water without going to the bathroom would win a Wee game system. She almost drank 2 gallons of water. At the end of the contest ( she lost ) 5 hours later she died.

The woman that died in that radio station contest was trying to see how much water she could drink without going to the bathroom!! My nutritionist says minimum of 64 oz. per day...I think your fine! Just make sure you use the restroom!! (and seeing that your 8 months pregnant...doubt that's an issue) Bless your heart!! Take good care!

It is called water intoxication. It will only kill you if you drink too much water without the right amount of salt. You need both to keep your body healthy. This is most common in people who do extreme sports, like mountain climbers or endurance challenges. If you are exerting a large amount of energy and sweating but only replacing the water, not the salt, you run the danger of water intoxication. Just drinking water will not hurt you. You sound like you are doing fine.

It doesn't matters how much water you drink; but it matter when you do. Never drink water immediately after you take some meal; drinking plenty of water after you take some medicine, especially ayurvedic medicine, may dilute the medicine & thus its effect.

One should drink 2 liters of luke warm water after getting up in the morning... there are many such water treatments to keep your body clean from inside & thus glowing outside which will never lead to water intoxification. These methods are described in ayurvedic medicines & some in yoga too.

As you are pregnent, ask your doctor for more info. to be more cautious.

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