Caffeine Addicted?!


Caffeine Addicted?

Okay so I know too much coke or coffee are bad, but which one of the two is worst for your health?

the amount of chemicals in coke would make it worse for you (diet or regular)

black coffee in moderation supposedly has some benefits
(just like red wine in moderation is supposed to be good for you)

I would say Coke, it has all the sugar in it, and coffee i think just would have mainly the caffiene!!
My thought

coke, it has way too much sugar than you need, even the diet stuff is bad for you. Too much carbonation is also bad for your stomach. Coffee has high amounts of antioxidants so small amounts of it isn't bad. Green tea has moderate caffeine and is much better for you.

Coffee has much more caffeine per cup than soda, but some people think that soda causes problems with calcium absorption leading to bone problems later.

Coffee generally contains between 40-100 milligrams of caffeine per serving, while sodas contain between 10-50 milligrams per serving. Some energy drinks such as Red Bull contain over 80 miligrams per serving.

I love coffee so I'm gonna say Coke is the evil one here. lol

Coke. Coffee is the leading source of antioxidants in the average American diet. Just don't load it up with cream and sugar.

Coke, and Diet Coke as well. Coke contains A LOT of sugar, where as coffee.. you the drinker can control how much sugar you put in and weather or not you want to use artificial or not.

Coffee has more caffeine, coke has more ingredients. Health effects could be changed depending upon what you put in the coffee, but I'd say Coke is worse.

Coke is MUCH worse. There are more calories and sugars. Also, the acid in coke eats away at your teeth and stomach. Diet coke is even worse for that. Drink the coffee, light on the sugar and milk.

Soft drinks have more sugar(frutos stuff) and calories and additives, they are worse.

Coffee has much more caffeine (more than double), and is probably better for you. However, depending on the amount of cream/milk and sugar you dump into it, it may be just as bad or worse.
I also am "addicted" to caffeine, and there is a Vitamin Water (energy) which contains caffeine and athough it still has sugar, not quite as bad as the other options.

According to this little test I found on line Coffee is worse. For me it would take 117 cups of coffee to kill me, and 371 cans of Coke classic to kill me.

I am sure that is just the caffeine, but it is a fun little thing.

Try it at

If you mean one or the other try and get rid of the coke it is way to much sugar for the both of us.

coke is worse for you because all of the sugars and syrups and what not added into it, coffee is bad not not as bad.

coke. there is a testing that shows that coke can give you olsers
(i hope i spelled that right) andif you put hammer nails in a bowl and fill the bowl with coke it will desolve the nails in a week. i hope this helps

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