Is Lemonade MUCH more healthy than coke?!


Is Lemonade MUCH more healthy than coke?

i choose lemonade over a coke these days. But really I try to stay away from fizzy drinks.
Does lemonade have caffeine? Are there any side effects to having a pint of lemonade?
Thanks, best answer chosen as always:p

No, lemonade does not contain caffeine, but depending on the variety (still/cloudy/cheap/homemade) it will contain varying amount of sugar and sugar substitutes or even artificially colourings and flavors that your body cannot process. The disadvantage of carbonated drinks is that they deplete the body of vitamins and minerals by hindering absorption.
Side affects of a pint? Gas!


Lemonade has got the same ingredient's as cola,The only difference is the flavoring.Both drinks are as bad as each other....


no caffinne or toxins.

Just fruit and sugars, with a bit of fizz. It could be very healthy if natural ingredients were sourced

There is no difference between coke and lemonade except the flavour (both of which I understand are artificial and full of sugar)
and lemonade will make you bloated and burp or send faxes a great deal (not verry socially acceptable!) drunk in quantity! Your sugar level will be sky high too!

Lemonade may be somewhat better than coke because of a lack of: caffeine and that unknown and possibly questionable secret ingredient that is in coke!? But all in all it is best to limit your intake of soft drinks, even lemonade. They contain phosphoric acid, which can result in leaching of calcium from your body. Plus they are either full of sugar or contain aspartame which is far worse than sugar. It is better to drink natural juices, or water or herbal teas. I would definitely not contemplate drinking a pint of lemonade.

I do the same, not that keen on coke anyway. Fizzy drinks dont do you many favours but in the summer I like a lemonade and orange juice (otherwise known as a St Clements) I dont think lemonade has caffeine in it

Well its not as good for you as water or freshly squeezed (not from concentrate) juice.

I would say that is marginally better than cola because of the absence of caffeine.

Hello Wrag,

You have to read the label and if it reads like a science experiment then it's most likely bad for you. Loads of Lemonade has aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Look them up on the net and see how good they are for you. I personally think most of them are just as bad. The worst are the diet drinks, so keep away from them. It's poison.

If you want a fizzy drink, get real fruit juice and add fizzy water to it. It's much better for you.

Not really. Coke contains phosphoric acid that can slowly dissolve your teeth, rob your bones of calcium, and stress your kidneys. It also contains caffeine that acts as a diuretic which dehydrates you. These are only problematic when Coke is consumed in large quantities over long periods of time.

Lemonade made with real juice contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. Powdered lemonade has almost no redeeming value. Lemonade (even home made, fresh squeezed) is mostly water and sugar. Sugar can promote cavities, diabetes, etc. Lemon juice is also a diuretic. Also many store brands contain artificial sweeteners. The health effects of artificial sweeteners is a whole other debate best left for another day.

In moderation neither is "bad" for you. Which one is better? Probably the lemonade as it has a miniscule amount of vitamins. Just remember that 1 serving of lemonade has about the same amount of calories as a serving of Coke. So if you traded a can of Coke for a pint of lemonade you are actually consuming more sugar.

lemon is considered good for health as it increase the appetite and purify the blood stream extra nutrient with calcium and iron

Yes, It is healthier because less acid in lemonade

neither are good because each can contains at least 30 spoons of sugar! yuk

I'm doing the same, lemonade is much better than coke, doesn't have caffeine, doesn't have all the poison of coke I'm sure about it. But I agree all fizzy drinks are bad for you.

lemonade doesnt make it count towards your 5 a day. the nearest to lemons most have ever seen is an artificial lemon flavouring. most bottles have never seen a lemon.

stick to tap water, minging but healthier. will do your insides more good than the gut rotting fizzy drinks!

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