Does to much coffee cause back pains?!


Does to much coffee cause back pains?

i herd that some where should i drink more water?

If you drink lots of coffee you may want to take a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is needed for your muscles to relax properly. Coffee flushes magnesium out of your body.

I think Yes.
1) because you are wired possibly and might move too much
but mostly,
2) because coffee dehydrates you and can cause back pain, or bladder or kidney pain, so drink equal water ounces to coffee ounces.

no. no .no.. if you are having back pains could be muscle related or maybe tension or could be sitting at the computer too long or is good for you and they have proved the millions of benefits when they are trying to find something bad.. Betcha money you were drinking coffee sitting at the computer and now you are thinking its the coffee when its from sitting in one position too long..

I know that when I drink a lot of coffee, everything tends to feel a little more achy. Yes, we do not consume enough water per ratio to toxins. Should drink at least eight 12 ounce glasses of water per day. Something close to that, anyway. Do some research!

No, to much coffee causes kidney pain which feels as if it is your back.

Caffeine increases heartbeat, respiration, basal metabolic rate, gastroenteric reflexes, and the production of stomach acid and urine; and it relaxes smooth muscles, notably the bronchial muscle.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and can produce a variety of effects elsewhere in the body. The symptoms of a caffeine overdose ("caffeinism") will vary, according to individual differences and the amount consumed. Doses ranging from 250 to 750 mg (2 to 7 cups of coffee or tablets of NoDoz) can produce restlessness, dizziness nausea, headache, tense muscles, sleep disturbances, and irregular heart beats. Doses of over 750 mg (7 cups of coffee) can produce all of the above as well as a reaction similar to an anxiety attack, including delirium, drowsiness, ringing ears, diarrhea, vomiting, light flashes, difficulty breathing, convulsions (extreme overdose). These amounts of caffeine may come from a single dose or from multiple doses at short intervals. Besides caffeine's effects, the essential oils of coffee may cause gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea, and the high tannin content of tea can result in constipation.

could well do-- especially if your kidneys are affected. If you have 'polycystic kidneys' you should avoid all kinds of caffeinated drinks (black tea, cola, cocoa, chocolate). Yes, drink water and eat lots of juicy, raw, ripe,organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can pass that kidney stone and get on with a healthier life! Go to it!

_Peace in 2007~

its that

Since we do move out for a long dist at times, taking in a coffee alone is not good

Whenever u have coffee take some snacks along with it so tht the problem of alcohol in coffee would not seem to b a problem

And moreover having more water would help your organs function smmothly.

Most of should drink more water, but I found this artical of the benifits of coffee. I have shared this article on yahoo three times.

I was looking through the my AARP magazine. The latest issue with Robert DeNiro on the cover. On page 22, The Health Report list 9 Secrets to Better Health states, Drink more coffee.

I will write this article word for word. It begins as follows:

The steaming cup that wakes you up can also keep you healthy. Research shows that coffee protects against a variety of ailments-from cavities to colon cancer. And some studies suggest that the more you drink the better. The beverage lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes and can protect your liver from damage, too. Caffeine gets credit for some of coffee's magic powers, including protection against Parkinson's disease and gallstones. But coffee's main benefit comes from it's wealth of antioxidants. In fact the coffee bean, which is technically a berry, has one of the highest antioxidant content of all berries, says Thomas dePaulis,Ph.D., formerly of Vanderbilt University institute for Coffee Studies. That's why drop for drop coffee has more of nutrients than even red wine. If you have osteoporosis, be , be sure to follow your doctor's advice for calcium supplementation, because in some studies, coffee drinking has raised the risk of bone fractures.

I love my coffee and I quite enjoyed showing this to certain people who keep telling me I need to limit or quit drinking my coffee. They say it will kill me. I tell them it just might if I don't die first by getting hit by a train. lol.

yes, but... thing that make your back hurt is kidney problem. and yes drink water. you should always drink as much extra water as you drink coffee. that's extra water. coffee dehydrates, it's a diuretic (make you go to bathroom a lot, yes?).

as to water please drink enough, over 2 litres a day. get up in morning and drink large glass of water. since you probably discharge 12-16 ounces or more in the morning, replace it. then every hour after drink about 4 ounces. back pain will go away. skin will start looking a lot better, mind will work better. amazing.

Yes too much coffee cause back pains, because in one cup of coffee contains 20gms of caffine which disturbs our nervous system. It is some what like drugs. So do not take too much coffee.

i drink 4to 5 cups on back pain

coffee because of caffeine decrease your body water, for this reason you should drink more water....

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