Perfect Cup Of Tea??!


Perfect Cup Of Tea??

How do you make the perfect cup of tea milk first or water first?

pour the tea, add the milk.
not 2 much milk, don't drown it!

i put in milk first but then my old dear likes water in first personally i cant tell the difference

Definately water...Boil your water...pour it into your cup...steep your tea bag, covered with a plate, for 3 - 4 minutes...remove tea bag....add a bit of cream if you prefer.

No milk in tea! Yuck!

Steep tea (no bagged tea). While tea is steeping, pour boiling hot water in tea cup. Dump out hot water. Pour tea into nicely warmed tea cup. At 1 tsp honey and lemon to taste. AHHHHHHHHHH!

Water first otherwise it doesn't brew very well. So I've been told. I personally like it weak anyway so I don't mind either way.

A Scottish Blend T Bag - pour in the boiled water squeeze the T Bag...wait till its a nice dark colour - then add a dash of Milk..& a t spoon of sugar .and stirr ...add a McVities Digestive to Dunk in it ....aaaahhh! the perfect Cuppa,,

Yesterday I took mine black for the first time, and to be honest I think it was slightly nicer, but you have to wait for it to cool down!
I think this is probably the correct way to drink tea and the health benefits are ten fold.

boiling hot water poured over a tbag left for 2 mins then taken oout add milk oooooh just having mine now

Put the loose tea or teabag in a warm teapot, pour on boiling water (just off the boil). Leave for 3 mins or so (do NOT stir). After 3 mins, stir briefly with a spoon, then pour into a warmed cup, followed by milk and sugar to taste. Perfect!!

water first then add the milk.......perfect.

Teabag in mug, then sugar, then boiling water - squeeze the bag, remove then add milk to the strength you like it as

i can taste the difference if milk is put in first, i dont know which is proper, probably only a matter of preference, but in my opinion tea tastes much nicer with the milk in afterwards, not before.

I generally put the milk in first but I don't think it really matters. I am the best tea maker at work though (and I don't make it very often so everyone looks forward to it!!)


you dont add milk to tea just add hot water, suger, lemon,

milk first

Water should go first, let it boil then add tea leaves... wait for aroma and color to spread, after a minute add optimum quantity of milk and boil for 5 minutes.... add sugar and ensoi!!!

2 cups tea (Indian way)

Bring 1 cup water to rolling boil in a sauce pan. Add 2/4 tsp tea leaves to the water and continue boiling for further 1 minute. Add 1 cup milk and sugar to taste. Add small piece of ginger - crushed - to the brew and continue to boil for 1 more minute. Strain in the cup and serve.

Always put the water in first because it adds to the flavor of the tea. If you put in milk first, then much of the flavor gets lost in the harshness of the milk.

Always put water first.

get rid of the tea bags, water, sugar, milk, honey and lemon. no hot water, no tea cups and saucers or clotted cream scones.

get a pint glass, fill with vodka, drink all within 5 minutes.

by that stage you wont know what tea is never mind how to make it the perfect way

First of all throw away tea bags! Get some decent tea leaves. I know it sounds tiring and messy but the result worth the effort. Tea,add hot water and then just three drops of milk!Enjoy!(no sugar,you'll destroy it)

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