Can anyone tell me how to stop drinking carbonated beverages such as cola?!


Can anyone tell me how to stop drinking carbonated beverages such as cola?

im terribly addicted. plz help!

think of how much money u spend on it every year.......always does the trick

just stop, replace it with water or juice even if you have to dilute your pop with different beverages

i go to walmart and buy those single packets of sugar free flavored powdered drinks. there still tastes like sugar but there is no calories. probably not the best for you but it is better than soda.


first watch supersize me. and remeber don't drink your calories. that should do the trick.

Drink vodka instead. Problem solved.

try carbonated flavored waters! then it should ease you into plain water & juices...

I don't know but if you find out let me know

Avoid all the places that you usually drink them. Don't pass by the carbonated beverage section and don't buy them. Or tell your friends to drink all of your soda before you get a chance to drink it. Or you could call yourself a dirty whore after you drink a cola.

you should have someone put salt into your glass. then you won't drink it as much[as it tastes terrible, believe me i know]

You are probably addicted to the caffeine. If you need the caffeine boost and not the soda, take caffeine pills & drink water (that's what I do-Jet Alert, Vivarin, or No-Doz are available at Wal-mart.)

Then drink water instead of high sugar, acidic soda!

This worked for me... Iced tea. I still got the caffeine and used sweet and low instead of sugar.... I also drink a lot of water but if you don't like water the tea is the way to go.

just CUT it out of your diet like me!!! try your best of avoiding any kind of soft drink everyday and eventually, you'll stop the addiction. Or, try substituing soda for other healthier, less sugary drinks such as fresh made smoothies with plenty of healthful benefits or possibly something like Vitamin Water. Remember, 1 can of soda could allow you to gain AT LEAST 15 pounds!!!

Just don't buy them. If you don't have them at home, you won't have them available.
Colas are terrible for your stomach lining as Cola will clean battery acid off of a battery.
We as nurses used it to unplug/unclog gastric feeding tubes.
Just think of the money you spend for something that has no nutritional value and they will put on weight too.
Look at the grams of sugar soda contain, not good for you, the High Fructose Corn Syrup is a cheap way for different food companies to sweeten foods and beverages.
Try flavored hot tea, green teas and the red teas are especially good and good for you too!
Good luck!

Have a strong will to stop drinking these drinks, and replace it with something healthy and nice. Depends what type of personality you have? Some people can go cold turkey! But if you cannot do that, give it up gradually. It's all about having a discipline. It is a change of life style. There is no point giving it up for 10 days and to start having it again. Good Luck!

Uhhh its easy... Dont drink them.

I have to agree with the person who mentioned the caffeine; I got to the point that I was getting headaches if I DIDN'T drink the sodas; I'd gotten to where I drank a lot of coffee and soda because I was working a night shift. I got caffeine tablets (No-Doz, in my case), and gradually weaned myself off having so many sodas every day. I also was able to use the tablets to reverse my caffeine intake; I'd only take them if I got a headache, and gradually I started taking less, so that now I have no need for them at all. I can still drink a cup of coffee or an occasional soda - I know that I just can't let it get out of hand.

stop buying it... :P... if you like flavored drinks, why don't you drink some fruit juice... :D

try using the coke as a cleaner for your toilet bowl, pour some on it and leave it for a few hours and see how it manages to remove the dirt on the bowl.
imagine that doing it in your body.slowly your bones would become brittle.

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