Ectsacy or not?!


Ectsacy or not?

I've been smoking these Ecstacy brand cigarettes for a week or so now and they are completely 100% tobacco and nicotine free. Thay are herbal cigarettes and they taste and smell like marijuana. No tobacco or nicotine but they do still have tar and carbon monoxide in them. They are also like $7 for a pack compared to like $3 for other cigarettes. $50 a carton compared to other cigarettes $25. The herbs in them mainly are Pure leaf of Lotus, corn silk, and licorice root. Which should I smoke. These or my old Kool cigarettes?

That depends, these still contain chemicals that are carcinogens, basically you have a choice either you take the tar and chemicals and carcinogens from the regular cigarettes or from these. How much do you want to pay to die?

they are still bad for you but those aren't as addicting and don't contain pesticide

None are good for your health.

Think of it this way. How much are you spending a year on cigarettes and lighters? 20 years ago I totaled this up (cigarettes were 50 cents a pack then) and I was spending about $1000 per year smoking. This was my incentive to quit. I imagined what I could do with the $1000. That figure would be about $5000 now. PER YEAR. As a reward I buy myself something I want with the money I would have spent on cigarettes. I have a pretty nice computer system........

Neither. You need some Nicoderm CQ Gum/Patches. At least try to quit and do your closest family and friends a big favor by living longer and having them live longer, too. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

neither of them. people who smoke and have no desire to stop deserve lung cancer

dont be stupid. only you can prevent forest fires

Ok, please explain something to me. Ecstasy is a drug and
you sure can't smoke it. Ecstasy is an illegal drug that is
called a date rape drug. I won't explain why, you probably
already know.

If you smoke it, then it's more than likely not good for you.

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