What do you think about drinking and driving?!


What do you think about drinking and driving?

drinking milk and driving is good
drink beer and driving will kill you

It's a bad idea, unless you live on a farm. Then it's a sport.

Definitely a NO NO!!!! We have a rule in our household, if you drink even so much as a sip of alcohol, you can't drive until you've had a good, long sleep. The reason we do this in our household is if you have an accident and kill someone, you can go to jail for vehicular manslaughter -- what a way to ruin your life just for a quick drink. There are always taxis, bus or phone a friend to pick you up. It just isn't worth risking losing your driver's licence, your life, a stranger's life, etc. If you drink, you just shouldn't drive ever!!

Dont go there. Your reactions are shot even after one drink, its too dangerous. I was playing a racing game on my daughters Xbox withone of her friends, he couldn't get anywhere near my times, so he says to Jay to go get me a beer, I ask why and he says he will be able to beat me. So I tried it , I only got half way down one bottle of Stella before he passed me.Thank god it was only a game.

i think that drinking and driving is a bad thing, but, the penalties for the offense are too severe. if someone has multiple offenses or causes accident/injuries, then give stiff penalty.


dont get me started if you want to kill ur self fine but u r the worst person because think of all the other people u put at risk and they dont even know it

its not on,you could spill your beer.

I think it should be viewed as attempted murder.......everybody will think its to excessive but how hard is it to call a cab, get a sober friend, or stay home and drink, or stay where you are. A intoxicated person at the wheel of a 3000lb vehicle on public roads is very dangerous and needs to be treated so, I think.

If that's non-alcoholic then the risk is that it might spill

No, No,No. Never, nyet, nein. The two do not mix, have never mixed, and will never mix. Always have a designated driver. I am a recovering alcoholic, been sober 26 years now. I can't remember how many times I almost killed myself or a passenger because I was drunk. And I mean drunk. I used to have a pint of blackberry brandy for breakfast then drink a quart of 151 throughout the day along with a 12 pack of beer. Then go out and party. And we won't discuss the drugs. If you don't have a way home that doesn't involve you driving, then you don't drink. It's that simple. And if you are caught driving drunk now a days they will nail your butt to the wall, and its not worth the risk. Be safe, live long enough to be an embarrassment to your grandchildren.

Definetly drinking and driving is not safe hence should be avoided.In Zambia a country well known in Africa for its citizens obsession on Alcoholic drinks,I once saw a loadside signal on a load safety week which reads " DRINK,DONT DRIVE". It made a lot of sense to me,here drinking is stressed. Probably in states where alcohol is phrohibited you will find a loadside signal which reads "DRIVE, DONT DRINK".

I think Drinking is pointless and driving while drinking could cause an accident and you could end up hurting somebody and that wouldn't be good. =|

Dont Drink or DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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