How many people out there think they are addicted to coke cola or pepsi?!


How many people out there think they are addicted to coke cola or pepsi?

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5 months ago
WOW,,,,, iam so glad iam not the only one there are so many of us ,,,,i drink 2lr diet coke a day and that is it,, i dont even drink water,,,,,ive been like that for 20 years now,,

5 months ago
WOW,,,,, iam so glad iam not the only one there are so many of us ,,,,i drink 2lr diet coke a day and that is it,, i dont even drink water,,,,,ive been like that for 20 years now,,

Diet coke

gotta have one vice


Maybe not addicted, but I do prefer Pepsi over Coke.

i doubt they are addicted to cola more than likley the caffenine.

I'm addicted to ****

Not a full blown addiction like smoking,(no i don't smoke) but I started eating better, working out, and just drinking water about a month ago, and I have found myself craving a coke or pepsi, I don't run out and get one, but they sound good... pepsi cold in a bottle or can, and fountain coke at restaurants. So it can be done to not drink them, especially at home, but eating out makes me crave them more.

i have to at least 2 cokes a day or i get headaches. and sometime nothing is as satisfying as a nice cold can of coke.

Yep, Coca Cola is my drug of choice!

Just want to add in Coke's favour that I used to break my bones really easily when I was a child and had weak teeth. Was told Ii would loose them all by age 30.

Then I discovered Coke ! Haven't broken a bone for 20 odd years and still have more than half my teeth and I am almost double 30

Anything with caffine has a certain addictive quality. I stopped drinking coca-cola about two years ago, but still get a real craving for it sometimes. In fact, if left the house at 3/4 in the morning to get a can from the all night petrol station more than once. Now if i could just give up surfing porn..............

my man is he drinks up to 2 litres a day!!!!!!! and gets really moody if he doesnt have any!!!!!!

I know I was addicted to coke cola until they told me I was diabetic than I had to go to diet coca cola so I'm still addicted . I've been drinking coke for 40 years daily.

I am so addicted to coca cola! I have tried to cut down on it a little by switching to C2 and coke zero. But I always have several 12 packs in the house. I drink coke like 90% of the time. Milk is the only thing else I usually drink. Some try to say that not drinking anything else is very bad but the drink is made out of water!! if you drink the low calorie and low sugar ones its not that bad.

Im not, YUCK

no just beer

yes i would like to properly introduce myself. I am 26 years old and have been addicted to coca-cola for almost my whole life. I cannot go through a day with out my fix! LoL!

I'm addicted to pepsi max
It's the caffeine
I read recently the Phospheric acid sucks the calcium from your bones!!! So I've tried to cut down and drink more water.

I drink diet coke all day! I buy cans so that I pretend I do not drink that much.I keep forgeting drink water!

Im not addicted to it but i perfer coca cola!coca cola RoCkS!

Yes, Pepsi. Has more bite. Coke is syrupy. I need to cut back though. No way its good for you.


I am not addicted

i love a bit of ginger beer but thats the only fizzy drink i really like. but 2ltrs a day is excessive love, you need to cut down, the sugar alone will kill ya, never mind the chemicals!!

I was addicted to limeade, i would drink at least one glass everyday that lasted about a month until my mum stopped buying it. It was strange because now i'm constantly putting lime juice and lemon juice in my orange squash.
I even put lemon juice in my chicken soup, it is really nice.

im with ya, im the same! cant break the habit! i have withdrawel symptoms if i dont have any for a day!!!

oh dear ..
it's so dangerous to don't drink water
you should drink at least about 5-6 glasses
if you go on this way .. you will lose your health , bones, teeth, and kidneys..
I have areal example .my grandpa died on A renal craven due to drinking a lot of Pepsi ..
be care full ..

ahh if it was up to me the rivers and sea would be full of the stuff. but at work last week someone said diet coke gives you cancer..

I am addicted, I have to have at least one glass / can a day. U know I read an article saying if you drink more than that a day you become more susceptible to pancreatic cancer, but I still can't stop myself guzzling it.

I am addictes to Coke and Pepsi!! I drink it every day but i drink water and other drinks too....

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