Coffee addiction! how to stop?!?!?!
Coffee addiction! how to stop?!?!?
so i started drinking coffee what feels like ages ago. i drink it every morning religiously and i get uncontrollable cravings for it. my boyfriend bought gum for me that wrigleys puts out called kona something? and it seemed to kind of curve my desire for coffee but only worked for a little while - does anyone know anyway to stop drinking so much coffee a day?!
of course it's would be hard to go cold try weaning yourself off of it slowly. even changing to decaf could be an option.
what worked for a few people in my family (since many of them are heavy coffee drinkers,) is switching over to black tea. it still has the strong taste, and it's caffiene level is similar to coffee. after switching over to black tea, they eventually went to green which can be as powerful, but has very little caffiene and is well known for its healthy benefits.
good luck!
well you got to have will power to do or stop any thing
i stopped smoking over night after 22 years of non stop smoking and now 17 years havent tolerated the smell any more
it is mere will power
It sounds really simple - but just switch to decaf - or if that's too difficult, blend decaf with regular, and slowly keep upping the decaf amount.
Well it is addicting and you will go through withdrawls over it i tried to stop a couple times but the migraines were just to bad now i limit myself to one cup a day maybe 2 i wouldnt stop drinking it all together just try to cut down first little by little and sometimes your body just needs it and they say it really does stimulate the mind so i wouldnt give it up totally just dont drink it excessivly and make sure you eat food with it because otherwise its causing problems to your walls of your stomach good luck
You have to want to give it up. Find the reasons why you want to give up coffee, write them down, then pick a date when you will give up coffee - say March 1st. That way, between now and March 1st, you can look at your list of reasons, think about how important they are to you, and picture yourself not drinking coffee. It's hard at first, but will become easier as your list of reasons for quitting will become more important than your desire for coffee.
just limit yourself each day a cup less, might work better is u limit yuorself a cup less by week so you get use to it and eventually you will be drinking less coffee....
ooh kk i gave up a month ago.. basically i drunk like 12 cups i know that sounds excessive but it worked cos i felt pretty dizzy and wierd and i just havnt had the urge to have it again!! its a well known method to cure the addiction!! i really reccommend it GOOD LUCK!
It sounds like a caffeine addiction. You could try to phase out the caffeine by slowly cutting back or introducing a product called Teecino. It's similar to coffee but doesn't have caffeine. It's made from chicory and has a lot of nutritional value. You can gradually replace your coffee with it. Check out their website You can purchase online or at Whole Foods. I think Trader Joe's has it too and you might find it in some grocery stores.
If it's become a comfort food, you'll have to find the root of why you need it. You could also try changing your routine so you don't think about coffee. My friend did that with cigarettes. She altered her schedule so she wasn't doing the same things in the same order and didn't feel like she was missing something as much. It takes a long time and a lot of patience to overcome an addiction. Good luck with it.
You have to wean yourself off. Start by drinking 3/4 of a cup each morning, then 1/2 a cup, then only a half a cup every other day etc etc
I'm not sure but mabye you could put salt in it instead of sugar when you drink it. I imagine it won't taste very good. but it will kind of work like withdrawl. so that whenever you drink coffee you will think "yuck! this coffee is horrible" and then if you drink it enough, you might associate coffee with that taste and then you will fing yourself avoiding it instead of drinking it.