Im addicted to coke !!!?!


Im addicted to coke !!!?

The drink NOT the drug

How do i stop drinking it ? What can i substitute for it ?
Would it be okay for me if i ONLY ate healthy and drank coke ?

When I dont drink it i get real moody and i get head aches

I would try to switch to caffeine free coke and see if you get the headaches.... after a while try and cut down the number you drink to get over the sugar buzz.... or try to switch off to OJ (natural sugars)

not so good, you're addicted to caffeine AND sugar.

maybe start by just switching to diet.

then start weaning off that :)

It's the sugar and caffeine. Just reduce your intake over time until you are off of it. Replace what you don't drink with a healthy class of water or other healthy beverage.

Try orange juice. You may need to cut back slowly. You may be hooked on the sugar or the caffine.

you could try to switch to diet coke--less calories and everything but makes you pee alot if thats all u drink...just try to cut down on it for a bit and see how u feel. i went thru that but w/ mountain dew. now i hate it. i substituted that for sprite, then diet sprite, then water. now i dont drink soda. so u might go diet coke, then water and diet coke. hope this helps,
-sara ?

It's not the Coke you're addicted to, it's the caffeine.

Caffeine makes the brain "happy". That's why women crave chocolate and things like that during that time of the month..

And true, it helps with head aches as well.

You don't have to give up Coke completely..God forbid you might have convulsions or something (just kidding!). Try substituting it with other foods with caffeine. Chocolate, tea, coffee, etc.

Good luck!

I used to be, It was crazy. Then I decided that everytime I wanted one, I would drink something else. water, pop, juices etc.

you're not addicted to coca-cola, you're addicted to caffeine.

the best way to stop is to just do it. just stop drinking it.

can you eat healthy and drink coke? sure, of course you can. that doesn't make it good for you, but it's not really bad for you either. it is in mass quantities, as in anything, so i'd recommend using it on a once or twice a day basis.

Try coffee and cigarettes

I was too most of my life. Diet coke. It has so much salt in it you keep wanting more because it really makes you thirsty. Switch to a uncola and even better try water. Coke is not healthy. Good Luck!

my friend had WITHDRAWL from that ish...she subbied in seltzer...for the bubbles and has drunk it ever since

I weened myself off by mixing both regular and diet coke.
Then I cut down how much I drank.
Eventually I was no longer craving it. I got massive headaches the first few days I stopped, but it was worth it.

The best substitute is water of course. The problem with Coke is the excess sugar, the acidity wears your tooth enamel away, and can be dehydrating (caffine is a diuretic). However going cold turkey is NOT the answer, believe me, I've done it. I had to be hopitalized due to such a severe migrane!
Slowly decrease your amount of coke per day. If you drink 1 litre a day, start with 750ml, then every week, drink less. Coke occasionally is not a bad thing, but don't rely on it for you fluid intake. Drink plenty of water, make sure you are getting milk and have the occasional coke. Happy detoxing!

I can't tell you how to stop. I'm addicted to my coffee. But, I thought it was cute that your picture has those big bright eyes like you've been drinking your coke like you say! Ha Ha! I'll get back to ya when I figure out how to stop drinking my coffee! LOL!

u r addicte to the caffiens so drink something else with caffiens but no calories. ice tea maybe. i feel ur pain my favorite soda was coke i drank it all the time but i gained so much weight i had to stop and it was hard but now i dont even crave it that often anymore ya just gotta bite the bullet and do it

I had this problem a while back and I figured this out: I drank 5 12oz cans of diet coke a day and figured if I drank 2 glasses of red wine in place of 2 of the soda cans I would be drinking something healthy in place of the carbonated stuff. I'm happy to report I've been doing great since, I'd try red wine if I were you.

I'm addicted too. I switched to coke zero. I have also seen that C2(less sugar) But I haven't tired it. But there really isn't any substitution for a cold can of coke.
Just as a side note, I am not sure how long you have been "addicted", but I know from experience that soda will rot your teeth.

Honey I love a coke every now and then, but I gave it up for my New Year's Resolution. I've substituted ice tea for it and it works! If you stop drinking coke, it would be much healthier for your diet, plus you lose a few extra pounds from it. It's been 21 days and I've lost six pounds already!! If you get headaches, then drink a glass of water and try taking an aspirin every now and then. If you get moody, try eating a cookie or something sweet like fruit .

The headache lasts for about 3 days. Avoid caffeine and sugar while kicking the habit. I was the same way I kicked it about a year ago. It gets easier.

It's withdrawal of the caffeine n the coke that will give you headaches, but it doesn't last forever.
I suggest weaning off the soda slowly, but consistently..even if you cut back a can a week, you are making progress, and less likely to slip. That's how I quit smoking cigarettes anyway,,,very slowly,,,baby gentle on yourself.
Coke has to much acid, caffeine & WAY too much sugar (what is it, like 8 teaspoons of sugar in every can ), so i would say Coke doesn't belong in a healthy diet.

Quit Coke. Go for Pepsi.

Try coke Zero It's as close as to real coke.

Drink one a day.

Hi, I'm Mangy and I'm a Cocaholic. It's been 224 months since my last Coke. I still miss them, I would love to drink one right now, just to smell the bubbles over the ice in a glass. But I take it day at a time. Lots of people are Cocaholics. Yes, it's the caffiene that gets you, but I know a lot of Cocaholics that will still get headaches, even if they drink coffee, or Mountain Dew, or Pepsi. Coke can have a psychological addiction as well as a physical addiction. I quit cold turkey. It was rough, I will not lie. I had a debilitating headache for the first three or four days, then it eased off. After a couple weeks, I was fine. I replaced my Coke with water. Later, there was Caffiene Free Coca Cola Classic, but even that seemed to take me too close to the real thing. I hope you find a way to beat your addiction, and remember that you are not alone, and you have to take it one day at a time. Pay no attention to those that tell you that you are not addicted. I've been there, and I feel your pain. Only you can determine the best way, and no way will work unless you truly want it to work. Good luck.

coke zero it is realy good, and thats a compliment because i hate coke!

well you could start drinking caffeine free coke i actually like that one better then the regular . Yeah and still eat healthy .

don't feel to bad,i am addicted to pepsi and have the same problem. you need to cut down gradually,i use to drink a 64 oz. mug of pepsi every day and now i drink a 20 oz. pepsi every two or three days

Switch to the zero calorie, caffeine free version on Coke. Its in a gold can. Good luck!

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