


a new starbucks just open in my city..... so i was wondering what is starbucks's best drink??? all of the drinks are damn expensive... so i just wanna try the best one... any suggestions??

Cold Caramel Frappacino or for Hot--Caramel machiato

if you want a cold drink try Mocha Frappachino,Or if you like hot drinks try a Mocha-latte

I really like their caramel macchiato. I also like their french roast coffee.

my usual drink is the house coffee of the day with sugar free vanilla and cream. But if I am being extravagant and want a treat I like the new cinnamon dolce latte. Or at the holiday time the gingerbread latte. I love their coffee frappacinos in the summer time. However the last three I consider desserts because they contain lots of calories upwards of 250 - 350.

Personally I would rather go to local coffee shops as they usually have a better vibe and ambiance. But starbucks brews a consistent cup of coffee in all their stores. One in san francisco taste the same as one in Chicago. My town doesn't really have any of the local shops, so starbucks is convenient.

I love their cinnamon-spice mocha. And have you ever tried their pumpkin cheesecake? It's incredible.

i work at starbucks.. one of the newer ones in my city.. i usually get orders for white chocolate mochas, mochas, or caramel macchiatos, also now its a cinnamon dolce latte! you shoudl try that one. its delicious! its a cinnabon type drink. brown sugary. is very good. also all of the teas are good as well. (hot or iced teas) those are very cheap... i usually just drink chocolate milk of decaf iced caramel macchiatos, or some hot teas since i dont want to get addictd to caffine. lol

but you shoudl definately try the cinnamone dolce latte. we had it last year so its only around for a short time.. i also know a recipe for a "Fake" cinnamon dolce latte when they do discontinue the syrup for the season.. but it has alot of calories since ther ei so much syrup in it.. but if you do end up liking it oreder a grande latte with 4 pumps of cinnamon and 4 pumps of caramel.. its tastes just like it! and if its a tall its 3 pumps of each or if its a venti its 5 pumps of each.

I like the Cafe Mocha...It's good iced or hot. I like mine without whip cream.
It's bitter from the Espresso but the chocolate holds up to it.

My friend likes the white chocolate cafe mocha.....So either one.

Just don't drink so much your jumping of the

java chip frap, mocha latte, tangerine frap - when you're not in the mood for coffee

house coffee

definitley,mocha or coffee frappacino.its better than sex

Nonfat hot chocolate with whip and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Basic but good (of course I don't like coffee so my choices are limited).

i LOVE the white chocolate mocha and at christmas time, the peppermint mocha. My daughter loves the Mocha Frappaccino and her best friend loves the apple cider drink they have. My son goes for the strawberry frappaccino. I am also addicted to their basic house roast coffee. I get a Joe-to-Go, which is about 12 cups of coffee for $12. They give you the sugar, cream, cups and stir stix. I get that in the morning to share with a couple co-workers.

i think that starbucks relly over does every thing, they have rely overdone coffee putting weird spices in it
i prefer a regular type drink
my fav is the americano
espresso with hot water making it equally as strong as regualr coffee but richer
gud luck finding ur fav drink

I love the Carmel Machioto (spelling) and there hot chocolate. They also have a drink called the double chocolate chip and it is not a coffee drink. It is really like a frozen chocolate milk, but real chocolaty! Yummy! Their drinks are very good but I really don't think they are worth the price. You have to atleast try it once though so you will know for yourself.

Everyone is different. There is a little book that Starbucks usually have (by their brochures) that helps you in creating your own favorite drink(s). But, they do have basic traditional drinks on the menu. Let them know that it's your first time there, you could ask for a sample.

For those that don't want the coffee, you could try their Caramel Apple Cider. Or the Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino. And, of course, their hot chocolate.

You can go to their website for more information -

Caramel machiato this is so good.

buy a can of folgers its gonna save you butt-loads of money (for shoes)

"Best" is subjective. DO you like espresso based drinks? If so you want a latte. Lattes can be flavored with just about every thing...from pumpkin spice to white chocolate. You can have them use soy, half and half, skim milk or whole. THere is alot of possibilities. Use your nose and tongue to determine what is the "best".

go to duncan donuts. It costs less...and tastes..waaaayyy better.

Starbucks sucks!

the hotchoclate cuz they put wipcreame and choclate shaveings on it its sooooooo good yummmmm

try a caramel frap

All time fave is Carmel macchiato .Which is a layered drink with vanilla syrup , steamed milked foam (macchiato means mark ) then shots on top to mark the foam . Then the best part carmel sauce on top. It is great hot or iced. I love it iced in the summer and hot in winter. Right now the best is the Cinnamon Dolce Latte. If you like the cinnamon roll flavor. Also a hint for a Starbuck regular that does not cost alot. Get a coffee of the day and add a syrup of your choice then use the condiment bar if you want cream .

here we go... I work at Starbucks... so I've tried every drink on the menu...
In my opinion, the best hot drink is the cinnamon dolce latte... it tastes like caramelly cinnamon... You can also get it with sugar-free syrup or non-fat milk or soy or whatever

But my favorite cold drink is ... Strawberry Apple Juice...
I know it sounds crazy... but I've gotten tons of people hooked on it... including myself...

I pretty much guarantee that your barista is gonna say... "What?"
So... here's how to make it

-Apple Juice to the bottom line (according to size) in the Frappucino blender
-Strawberry sauce to the second line...
-Melon syrup... (1 for Tall, 2 for Grande, 3 for Venti)
-And 1 scoop of ice (again... according to size)

Then blend it and enjoy... it is delicious... even in winter
Just have them ring it up as a strawberries and creme

Hope this was useful

Caramel frappacino hot or cold

Do you like hot or cold? i like cold XD

i reccomend:

Caramel Fraps- its like a mocha w/ cara and a lil sweeter :]

or Java Chip frap- Its like a mocha with mushed chocolate chip cookies :D

for hot
white chocolate mocha
hot chocolate

for all the ones w/ coffee in you can ask for light (less coffee added)

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