Are sugar free squash drinks bad for you?!


Are sugar free squash drinks bad for you?

My manager for some reason, thinks that Robinson's (no added sugar) squash can give you cancer.

She said that the stuff they use to replace the sugar, is a load of chemicals, that is really bad for you.

Is this true?

Most sugar free squash drinks contain an artificial sweetener called Aspartame. Aspartame can trigger MS (Multiple Sclerosis). E-numbers are notorious for being carcinogenic (Cancer causing) especially Tartrazine.
Pur fruit juice is better for you.

Diploma In Herbal Medicine (Distinction)

Most sugar-free drinks are sweetened with aspartame.
Some people think aspartame causes cancer - but if there was good evidence of any significant risk, they wouldn't be allowed to keep using it.

Ask people who are against additives and they will say the link is there:

Ask those who aren't and they might disagree:

It's still too early to be sure of the long-term effects, but really if there was a big body of evidence building up, the regulators would be acting - and they aren't showing any signs of doing so at the moment.

No evidence to proof it one way or another. Some reseacrh reports there is a link and others report that there is not a link. But yes some people do believe that articial sweetners (which are used in sugar free products) are linked to cancer.

Used to be true in the 70's with cyclamates which were proven carcinogens. The jury is still out on aspartame and acesulfame K.

who knows?! my advise is do everything in moderation. Anything you drink or eat too much of is wrong....because even if it is good for you if you are eating a a lot of eat that means you aren't eating something else you need!

not only are they very bad for you - the sugar replacement - asprartain - is scarily addictive. I did this nutrition course and I could not believe how bad aspartain is for you! it messes with your brainwaves, so that if you DONT have it anymore you crave it and feel "weird" or shaky or grumpy until you do!

Don't know bout the cancer , but any chemical is bad for you.

Ps, on this course they said its better for you to drink regular coke than diet coke cos of how bad diet stuff is for you!

It depends on what the sweetener is, dear. Splenda has a clean bill of health (may be called sucralose on some labels), but Nutrasweet doesn't (may be called aspartame, and mention that phenylalenines are present, on some labels).

Nutrasweet was found to cause tiny lesions in lab animal brains. read about the Nutrasweet scandal here--

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