Tell me something good about drinking milk, please?!


Tell me something good about drinking milk, please?

Vit A and D
and it tastes good
* Calcium
* Riboflavin
* Phosphorous
* Vitamins A, D and B12
* Pantothenic acid.

Milk products also contain ‘high quality proteins’ that are well suited to human needs. Milk proteins increase the value of poorer quality cereal and vegetable proteins in the diet by providing the amino acids these proteins lack.
The importance of calcium

Calcium is a mineral that strengthens your bones and teeth, and ensures everything runs smoothly with your muscles and nerves. It's especially important for growth. Calcium can continue to add to the strength of your bones until you reach the age of 30 to 35, when peak bone mass is reached.

After this point, as a natural part of the ageing process, your bones lose their density and grow weaker. If you haven't had enough calcium in your diet prior to this, there's an increased risk that your bones won't be strong enough to cope with any weakening, which can result in the brittle bone disease, osteoporosis.

Health professionals estimate that one in three women and one in 12 men over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis. There's also concern that the diets of teenage girls and young women, in particular, aren't high enough in calcium. Some experts predict the future could bring an osteoporosis epidemic in women.

it has lots of calcium which help build strong bones

its natural (unlike pop, and some juices)

prevents osteoperosis

calcium for strong bones!

Great for your bones and tastes yummy with chocolate syrup!

It strengths your bones and teeth!

u build strong bones

stonger bones, come on!! thats awesome! lol

I know you have heard it all before but its good for healthy bone's and it has vit's in. JUST BE GOOD AND DRINK IT!

it makes you not thirsty

When babies are born either animals or humans the first food they receive is from their mom's breast to feed them so they develop into a healthy puppy or child and later adult.

When they are grown the human and animal goes on to drink other beverages. The human needs the milk for building bones early in life. Women especially need calcium at the early age. Doctors have discovered that the young women make healthy bones when they are young so they really need a good supply of calcium rich foods such as milk.

Your teeth, hair, bones , fingernails, toenails, everything connected with our skin need nourishment. So it's important we all get our share so we do not develop health problems later in life.

I love milk especially in desserts! Or with desserts!


I do not believe drinking milk is good for you. It's not natural. Human babies are supposed to drink their mom's breast milk and adult humans (or other mammals) are not meant to be drinking milk. Cow milk is is for cow babies. No humans should drink cows milk.

Also, new studies by Harvard scientists show that milk can actually cause osteroliosis (or however you spell it) and prostate/ovary cancer.

Great for your teeth and bones however really bad for acne and if you drink it you are supporting animal cruelty.

it help builds strong bones and leaves you feeling refreshed and hydrated!!!!!

You're drinking something that came out of a cow's udder. What's not to love?

Milk has tones of calcium whcih helps you build strong bones. People who don't drink milk have to take calcium pills or calcium powder because other wise they will have Osteo Peroses which is when your bones are so thin and frail that if you even trip and fall you could break more than jsut a few big bones. It is important that your body gets enough calcium and milk is a great source for that.

Skim milk helps you lose weight... with a low calorie diet.

They say it builds strong bones and it is good with cake...

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