Can coke make you fat?!


Can coke make you fat?

Can coke make you fat and cause you to gain weight


Yes, Coke and Pepsi have calories. If you take in calories and do not consume them via exercise then your body stores them as fat.
Fruit juices too have calories, but they also provide vitamins and minerals. Try them instead, and exercise regularly.

Not only Coke could make you fat, but also the kind w/ artificial sweeteners can do the same thing b/c the artificial sweeteners stimulate your appetite. Coke has lots of sugar in it.

Yes, since it has sugar and calories if you do nothing to work it off it will. Also, the carbonation is bad for your teeth. It does remove the calcium from your teeth so it is best to drink occasionally.

I'm assuming you mean coca-cola, and the answer is yes. Coca-cola can make you fat. Regular coke contains approximately 110 calories - these are called "empty calories" because they have no nutritional value and no protein - so it's a quick sugar rush and usually converts strait to fat. There is even evidence that diet coke can trigger a desire to eat sugars because of the sweetness, even though technically it is calorie-free. So over time, drinking diet coke may lead one to consume more sweet foods - which would could make one fat. Better to stay off the stuff altogether.

Actually, fruit juices aren't all that healthy. Most of the good stuff that they contain are antioxidants, like vitamin C. Unfortunately, once an antioxidant is exposed to oxygen, it completely evaporates! So unless you're getting that very first glass of orange juice, you're basically drinking a bunch of sugar water. You're better off eating actual fresh fruit, which will at least let you get some fiber!
And coke, like any thing full of sugar, can of course make you fat.

It contains sugar, so if you drink too much, you may gain weight.

no if u have mmore calaries than yr ment to and it rots yr teeth

Absolutely based on its high sugar content.
If you cut out softdrinks in general (including the sugar-free ones) and replace it with a bottle of water, you will drop weight.
Trust me, that's what I did and I lost 55 lbs.

I take it you mean coca cola....

YES!!! There is a huge amount of sugar in coke and similar drinks which is why they brought out diet versions (marginally better).

Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola will certainly add calories - they are 160 calories a can. However, there is no real nutritional value in them and all your calories would be in sugar and carbs. You're better off to drink milkshakes with fruit and ice cream (and even an egg tossed in the blender) and that way you're packing in more calories and lots of nutrition.

Coke, on the other hand, is not recommended for those wishing to lose weight :)

Well, alot of fat girls at my school ONly drink soda and never water and that is soooooooooo not healthy. It does make you fat if you drink all the time constantly like they do. But its really good to have one once in 3 days or something. or once a week.

Yes, it is very high in sugar which can make you gain weight. It can also cause your teeth to rot... if you drink too much of course.

All soft drinks have huge amounts of sodium in them which makes you retain water thus causing weight gain. Then add all the sugar that they contain and you have a whopper amount of calories. You could eat a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread and not have as much in calories. It would satisfy your hunger too. Plus it's a lot healthier. Drink water and some juices and low fat milk to get nourishment to replenish yourself. water is the best drink and it is very good for us. Keeps us from getting headaches caused by dehydration too. Eat small healthy meals and snacks often during the day to stay healthy and loose weight. Do not die....t. Eat for health. Your body goes into starvation mode when you deprive it. Instead eat healthy..nuts, P.B. and celery or apples, raisins. grapes, whole wheat cereal, breads and crackers. Cheese with crackers and salads. No white bread or potatoes. Sweet potatoes have lots of good things in them. Plan ahead, before you shop and prepare foods ahead of time to have ready to grab. That is the hardest part. Cook on days that you are home for the whole week and freeze small portions for later. Use a crock pot and make healthey soups and meals and freeze. Eat beans, chicken and broiled or grilled meats. Not fried. buy rotisserie chicken and take the meat off and have it ready for three meals from one chicken. eat canned fruit in their own juice if they are too hard to keep at home fresh. Frozen veggies are better than canned, they are picked fresh and frozen. Use them in soups and stews. Walk. Park farther away and walk the extra distance. Make the choice to do that every time. Use smaller plates to control portions and eat seconds of salads and veggies only. Good luck.

yes, because it contains sugar....which turns to fat if you don't burn it.

yes coke can make you fat. It is filled with empty calories. It's mostly sugar water you are drinking. It has over 100 calories per 12 ounces. Switch to diet soda if you drink a lot of soda in a day. Better yet drink more water. limit the amount of soda you drink but if you can't then switch to diet. Hope this helps.

no i think it cant but it has sugar which gives you enrgy cant it can actually maybe burn stuff because it eats you like put some bone in it and in about a week it will dissolve into nothing


Doesn't it have a lot of sugar in it? I would think it would!!

Yes, it can. However, diet coke is much more healthier. In every fatty food you see, there is a lot of corn starch. Trust me, really bad for ya. But diet coke contains a lot less corn starch than coke. And it tastes pretty good too!

yes, it can. Especiallt if you drink one every day. All sodas have tons of calories and sugar. However, if you drink diet soda, there is no harm other than the bad chemicals and stuff in them.

yes coke is full of calories drink water

lots of sugar intake


well anything that u consume in large portions will makeu gain weight. and coke has calories so ofcourse

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