Can you drown on a teaspoon of water?!


Can you drown on a teaspoon of water?

Nobody in my office thinks you can, but I know I've heard this stat before...

there are actually 3 types of drowning wet drowning, dry drowning and secondary drowning you can not wet drown in a teaspoon of water but you can dry drown you also can secondary drown. drowning is basically suffocation caused by water. wet drowning is when you inhale so much water that your lungs are full and you can not breathe.secondary drowning is when you inhale a small amount of water which has no immediate effect it then "foams up" in the lungs as you are breathing finally having the same effect as wet drowning this can take up to 3 days. dry drowning is when you inhale water and the airways leading to the lungs close to prevent more water from entering the lungs this also suffocates you.but both secondary and dry drowning are rare to come by

i am a life guard

lol i doubt it

of course you can if your a fairy, or you suck it up your nose and effectively choke to death on water

Hmmmm unlikely

Only if you are a small creature such as an ant. It's three inches of water for a human.

yes it is possible but highly unlikely

My mum used to tell me this when I was a kid,
Apparently if you enhale it, it will go into yr lungs & then you drown.
But I reckon our mum just wanted us to stop playing in the river at the bottom of the garden & coming in with a wellie full of water!

no u have alot time on your hands go find out and tell us

ask ronnie corbett

I have always heard 3 inches of water. I think that if it were a teaspoon and it inhaled it you would just have liquid down the wrong pipe. Like when you are drinking and it does that. So I don't think so.

yes, if you swallow the teaspoon aswell

yes if you are not awake i believe you can drown on any amount of water

if your mouth and nose r close together then yes but if your clever enough not to suck up the water and choke to death then no you can not drown on a teaspoon of water

I bet you can.

I think I know what you are talking about. There is a certain amount of water that it takes to drown in...any less than that, and you can't drown so if given that last teaspoon of water, it can cause you to drown....make sense?

if you choked on it then u may die, but yiu wouldnt really die from it.
isnt it 3 inches for a human?

Yes you can. In fact, that is all it takes.

Try it and let us know!!!

It is not well known, but it can and has happened. It mostly happens to people with water allergies. Yep, can you believe there are people who are allergic to water? It's very sad and if they were to swallow a teaspoon of water it would cause their throat to close up, cut off their circulation and eventually they drown.

It's a very scary thing.

if you're an ant you can

Absolutely NOT. It's an old wives tale.

Think about it. Teaspoon of water = 5ml. Get a teaspoon and see how little water it is.

Hospital patients can have 10 or 20 times this amount of fluid drained from their lungs without them being can be drowned in half an inch of water (deep) though...face pushed flat into water.

dont think so- itz a myth and if u heard itz probably str8 out of a fairy tale

you can, if the water goes up your nose and down your throat at the same time and you choke to death.

Yes, if you put it down someone's nose while they are sleeping!!

Depending of the size of the teaspoon they come in different sizes. As for could if you rushed things and tipped it down your nostrils then it would go into your pharynx and into your lungs. A good idea is to slowly lift it to your mouth and sip it.

Obviously and for all logical reasons NOT

possible but highly unlikely

you can but it would almost have to be deliberate. put the water to the back of your throuat so it blocks the air but not swallowing it is a trick in itself. Tell you what, you try it and tell us what you've discovered.
(Just joking in case you're one of those that can't take one)

Are you suicidal? This probably isn't the best way to do it...

Haha. Just think it'd be pretty difficult to actually inhale water from a teaspoon in the first place...

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