Is giving kids diet coke bad for them???!


Is giving kids diet coke bad for them???

my little sis is worried she stip

Its a little better then regular coke. But still little kids shouldn't be drinking a lot of soda of any kind.

Better than the regular coke.... just don't give more than a few sips. When I was pregnant I asked my doctor, if it was okay to drink anything with aspartame or splenda and she said that as long as you don't drink a whole bottle of pure substitute sugar, you are okay. I had to use substitute sugar now and then, because of gestational diabetes.

well i heard that any dark soda is bad for u. so maybe u and her should only drink stuff like sprite or mellow yellow or something like that.

You really should stick with water and diet coke, the caffeine and many other things in it including artificial sweeteners are not good for adults, much less kids.

Only if they have epilepsy. Better that becoming oveweight with so much sugar.

I don't trust any coke product. When I worked as an electronic technician I've seen the results of Coca Cola being spilled on a keyboard. The results are that you just throw the thing in the garbage. The reason is that Coke will eat the copper traces and the component leads off the board. Why would anyone want to put that stuff in their stomach, little lone a child's stomach.

Diet anything is bad for a person, unless they have a medical condition which precludes the usage of real sugars. Most artificial sugars are under heavy scrutiny by the medical world. Many have been found to have unpleasant long-term effects.

Yes i think it would be much better to give them juice or milk.Just because a pop is diet does not mean it's good for you.It's got that nasty aspartane in it.

ids should not have artificial sweeteners unless theyhave diabetes or are very overweight. ids should not have soda because it is empty calories. Kids need good nutrition. Water is good for you. Use fresh when possible and avoid artificial colors and flavors and preservatives.

it is bad all sodas are bad it rottens your bones ask any doctor

it has caffeine in I wouldnt give it to a kid that i had to watch ... if its your kid give it to them when you dont have to deal with them.... kids are usually sensitive to caffeine

any diet pop is bad for you aspertame is not good for anyone.they call it the sweet poision.anything that has a diet sugar has aspertame in its not good for her at all

p.s. put aspertame in your search engine and you'll see all kinds of things about it

umm i think it make s them hyper buh its not like their gonna gte cancer or sumthin....

It's sure isn't good for them. Even though it's sugar-free, Diet Coke has aspartame (the artificial sweetener) which some people believe causes certain health problems. It is also possible to get addicted to aspartame. Unless it's caffeine-free, it actually has more caffeine than Diet Pepsi, Pepsi or Coke and kids don't need any caffeine. A little bit of soda once and awhile isn't that much of a big deal though.

I don't think they need the sugar substitutes or the caffeine. It's bad enough for adults...let alone kids.

cola or pop of any kind is bad for anyone. There is no nutritional value whatsoever

diet coke is worse then regular coke. even though people think that diet coke is healthier because it doesnt have real sugar, well thats wrong. the fake sugar is bad for you and over years it will cause your heart to stop working right. also it breaks down your bones faster. soda altogether isnt good. they use coke to clean the blood off of car accsidents on the side of the road.

all soda is bad for you. the carbonation in soda dehydrates you. If a kid has a problem drinking enough water each day, they should probably not have soda. Plus little kids and caffeine equals dents in your walls.

Absolutely - any cola is particularly bad for a growing child as the caffeine and acids can really do a number on her nerves and stomach, add to that the artificial sugar and she may actually develop a stronger appetite and gain weight. Water,Milk and Juice are better and healthier choices. Good Luck!

Very bad for adults and especially children. Soft drinks have no nutritional value and are additive and have artificial chemicals that are bad for liver, bones.

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