Is it unhealthy to fill up water in a water bottle over and over again?!


Is it unhealthy to fill up water in a water bottle over and over again?

Well,it is only unhealthy if you don't clean it out really well every few time you fill it up,because bacteria builds,if you don't clean it up.

Just rinse it out.

I would rinse it out here and there, but from what I hear freezing it in the freezer with the plastic can cause cancer.

It is very unhealthy to refill water bottles over and over again because bacteria and backwash fill up in the bottle you keep using. Also, the water bottle starts to smell bad because of that.

No just make sure that you are the one that is using the bottle and you wash it when you re-use it. I know there was a myth about that... but is has not been official that it's bad for you. Just clean them out.

Yes. Bacteria builds up in the bottle. Buy one of the reusable bottles and wash it every time.

not if you rinse it out every time with scalding hot wader

one other thing dont use soap plastic exsorbs oils and toxins and junk like that

and it will taste horibble

rinse the bottle out, wash the cap and change bottles about 2 x a month

I would clean it every so often,,you know just a splash of bleach and water AND REALLY FLOOD IT OUT WITH WATER.........
I use mine till they break,,got a couple of them

You don't want to refill it too many times. Change it every once in a while. Bacteria and germs will build up if you don't. Just rinse it a little when you refill it.

Use bottles that can be cleaned in the top rack of the dishwasher, along with the lids, otherwise you may be putting your health at risk.

Note: You can place bottle lids and other small items in a mesh bag, like the netting used for bagged onions, to clean items in the dishwasher.

yes and no first it matters where you fill you water up but germs do build so wash it BUT it mostly matters from wherer you fill it from theres link to help but i think its a water bottle site for some company but on that site theres something about that

you have to wash it out first because the water can spoil and then it turns out that you are running to the bathroom!!
sooo sometimes it is unhealthy

In my opinion it is unhealty NOT to do that. You see, a water bottle is made of plastic, and if you just drink the water and throw away the container you are not reusing a resource. Think of it in terms of the planet. All you need to do is rinse out the bottle and you have a perfectly reusable container. You could use it to take juice to work, or bring water-soluble fertilizer for the plants at the office, or freeze to put in a cooler for long trips.... possibilities are endless.

My sister-in-law sent me this article about how much waste is generated by people who buy bottled water, and it made me sick to my stomach. Just think if all of us bought one jug of Arrowhead/Poland Spring/Evian/whatever a day for a whole year. Just in the US, you would have 300 million people each with 365 bottles being thrown away. That's 109.5 BILLION bottles thrown away a year. And each and every one of those could simply have been refilled and carried along the next day, and the next and the next......

Yes if you don't wash it between uses. They did one of those exposees on people at the gym and their water bottles were the germiest items. It was safer to drink from the fountain - YUCK! That was because people would go days without washing them and just kept filling them up. Wash it good between uses and you're fine though!

Yes. Bacteria grows on a plastic water bottle, especially since most people don't clean them very well considering they were originally intended for single use. I saw a special on a news show that discussed this topic and I believe the woman said that the water bottle should be replaced about once a month to once every few months and should always be replaced after illness.

Hi There !! I have the BEST answer for you !! My doctor and P.E teacher both told me that it is ok to use the same bottle everyday ....BUT you must clean it thouroughly once a week with vinegar (kills bacteria) or dish detergent! Bacteria from your mouth can cause problems !! So drink as much as you want - just make sure your bottle is clean !! Simple ! Hope this helps - take care !!

not if you clean it out with hot water after you use it that's what I do.

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