Should Innocent Smoothies be removed as they are a hazard?!


Should Innocent Smoothies be removed as they are a hazard?

On Watchdog last night it said that these drinks are prone to exploding when left out of the fridge. Aren't they therefore a hazard - there will surely be accidents in the future?

And what if any likely suicide bombers saw Watchdog last night?

What exactly do we have to look forward to? Spotty militant wanna-be-jihad teens stuffing smoothies into their backpacks before they jump on the buses and trains of London?

Must I live in fear of one day being covered in the (delicious) remains of blended banana, yoghurt and the-guy-sitting-beside-me- reading-the-metro?

Something needs to be done.

Thats true.Ive had it happen,it also happens with yogurt,that makes a real mess of the fridge when it explodes and the contents fly everywhere. !

Yes definately...I can see the headline now (Boy killed by strawberry shrapnel).

Stop believing what you see on the T.V, Plus Innocent Smoothies are lovely.


I like mine cold so I always keep them refrigerated and they have never exploded. I did an experiment with yoghurt once and I had to leave it out of the fridge for several days before it exploded. I shouldnt think that an exploding smoothie will do anyone any real harm though.

no, just make sure you put it in the fridge, they should be labelled to say so and if people still leave them out then it's their own fault. Should gas and electric be banned because of the potential health hazard if misused? which is a lot worse then an exploding smoothie. We all have potentially dangerous things in our homes how we use these things determines whether that potential becomes hazardous

NO WAY they are lush I dont think I'd mind if one exploded over me I'd just lick it off! By the way there's not many things left in this world that are innocent! lol

If you drink too many of them YOU become a hazard,and you have to sit downwind of everyone

No, just keep it in the goddam fridge...

I'm guessing that the smoothies probably say on them "keep refrigerated", since they're sold in the refrigerated area of the store. This seems like adequate warning. There are many products that need to be kept cold otherwise they'll pop!

Yes they should be removed until the problem is sorted
Sooner or later some one is going to get hurt
Then it will be to late

Didnt we have the same thing with tomato sauce a few years ago?

no ,they taste really good.

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