Why do girls get to wear dresses/skirts but not guys...?!


Why do girls get to wear dresses/skirts but not guys...?

It is a silly but stubborn custom that men don't have the perogative to wear dresses or skirts. I am a woman who feels that some men look awesome in skirts. As gender roles evolve I think we will see skirts on men become accepted, and eventually mainstream.

Partly because it is so taboo I often find it arousing in a sexual way when men cross the line and don feminine attire. I've been known to orchestrate it as a matter of fact.

They do...they're just cross-dressers or they're Scottish and wear kelts(sp?)

Men can wear kilts.

Because girls have vagina's and guys have penises.

baby, you can wear what ever u want, just go to Scottland.

You can wear whatever you want.

Ever heard of kilts

1. Most guys have hairy legs.
2. they would be considered gay if they did.
3.unless they were a drag queen.
4.guys need pants cause most guys are active.
5. Ewwww! go to ancient germany or greece! or ireland!

please tell me? Who told you that guys couldn't wear dresses or skirts?

if you wanna wear a skirt or a dress, then knock yourself out...go for it

Dude your right. I have never thought of that. That is totally sexist and you could sue someone for it im sure

Remember David Beckham when he wore a sarong? I rest my case


I know a few guys that wear dresses and some of them look better than women in them!!!!

girls have better looking legs

You could also become a Buddist monk or move to Saudi Arabia. Scotland is not your only choice to go "Peter Pantsless".

Because guys don't shave their legs and "things" hang I believe??

because if you have on boxers yo stuff will hang out because skirts these days r 3 inches

In Scotland, some men still wear kilts. (I've seen this in Canada and England as well). In some parts of central Asia and the middle east, men wear clothes that look more like dresses than like pants! In much of the Balkans, men wore a kind of skirt right up to the early 20th century. And in ancient times, of course, men in the Roman world usually wore togas. So men have often worn skirts, and some still do today. It's really just a matter of fashion, which changes with the times.

There is no rule that says guys can't wear skirts. Have at it, hope you have good lookn' legs and don't be too surprised that women LOOK at you and so do MEN.

Umm I'm not sure! but If sum guy wants 2, more power 2 him!

Umm 1 thatz not sexist so you cant sue for that just to clear that up. And you can wear what ever you want but....go to Scottland lol read this:

1. Hairy legs
2.girls have better legs
3.you would be called gay!

cause guys dont shave and it would look weird becuse if i was a guy with hair on my legs i wouldn't like to wear a skirt/dress , but if u u wear a swd to stand out i guess you could

This may have evolved from the beginning of humans. That is when a man rode a horse or went to war or hunting it was more efficient/easier to wear pants than a dress or skirt? Or on a funnier side the penis has a separate brain and needs to be more protected from the elements and what not...

Same reason girls can't go topless out in public. :P

I had a male friend in college that wore a skirt occasionally. I think he just wanted to prove a point.

your weird....

u can be a girl and wear a dress if u feel like it!!

The reason is simple. Human society has created this idea that, for some unknown reason, we all need to conform. That we have to be told what to do, wear, feel, think, and how to act. We have good rules that I agree with, like don't kill, rape, steal, or molest children, that protect people from harm. However, we have many rules that make no sense, and accomplish nothing but to make us conform. Rules on what boys and girls wear, play with, how we speak, and who and how we should love.
Years ago, women couldn't vote, and they were supposed to wear only skirts and dresses. Men are still only allowed to wear pants.
It's all to make us conform, make us all the same. I wouldn't be surprised if this was to make us easier to market to and easier to control.
I personally feel that a man has no requirement to be masculine. If he wants to wear a skirt and tie his hair up in a bow, he should be free to do so without ridicule and without anybody assuming he's one thing or another. I strive to make no assumptions. If a guy walks past in a pink dress, I consider him no more likely homosexual than the hundreds of other men I see on a regular basis.
I feel women should be granted the exact same rights. If a girl wants to put on a work jumper, break out the craftsmen tools and build a hot rod, she should!
We need to shatter these restraints and be free!

because no one likes to look up the skirt of a guy

it because girls shave legs and guys dont

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