Drink 8 glasses of water a day and be healthier?!


Drink 8 glasses of water a day and be healthier?

You don't need to drink this much water to be healthy, unless your doctor tells you to, or you want to walk around with wet shoes. Your body will tell you when it needs hydration. I personally think two or three glasses a day is plenty.

Yes, drinking 8 glasses of water everyday flushes out the impurities in your body, helps to hydrate your body which is healthy, helps your skin........Drinking 8 glasses of water a day along with a healthy diet (chicken,fish, fruits, veggies, grains) is recommended~~

I don`t know who the heck came up with that amount. I drink when I`m thirsty and that`s that.


that's the rumor

yes, thats the norm..it not only is healthier
also it is good for the complexion..

yep! or eat an apple a day keeps doctor away!!

i dont get ur question

Who can drink 8 cups a day? That's a lot. I barely manage 4 cups. 8 cups, you spend your day running to the bathroom.

Actually, the NEWest recommendations floating around for water are half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should consume 75 ounces of water each day. A 200 pound person's requirements would be 100 ounces. (Please note that I believe this recommendation was actually derived for persons trying to lose weight)

An indication of whether you are drinking enough water for your body can be determined by the color of your urine (I know, GroSS, but true) If it is light yellow to colorless with little to no smell, you have adequate water intake. However, if the color is darker yellow and has a strong odor, consider adding more water to your diet.

Water helps hydrate the skin and nourishes your hair and nails. Water also flushes impurities and toxins from your body.
Therefore, water does make you healthier.

As to the frequent bathroom breaks, those will only occur for the first few weeks. Once you body becomes accustomed to the intake, the trips will be less fequent.

Personally, I drink 64-100 ounces per day.

yes, it washes out all the toxins. not too much though because water intoxication is possible if more....

I didn't drink 8 glasses this day.

of course water helps a lot, you lose weight faster and cleans up the whole system! i wish i could do it but i just forget to drink water!

If you drink half your body weight in onces (or a little more if your an athelete) then you can be healthier . Like if you weigh 100 pounds you would drink 50 onces of water not 8 glasses (64 oz.) that would be too much. If you weigh 130 is would be like 63.5 oz. So it depends on your weight. It's not just that you drink water that makes you healthy, but it's if you replace water with pop and sugary drinks that makes you healthy. Drinking water flushes out toxins, but if you drink pop your putting those toxins back in your body. To tell if you hydrated enough you pee should be a pale yellow almost as clear as water.

That would be quite awesome for your body. Water cleanses the whole body and keeps it going smooth. My mom always tells me to drink tons of water because it helps to clean out pores, wash away junk food and it also gives good skin. With all that, drinking 8 glasses a day maintains a healty body. :)

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