Is there such thing as drinking too much water?!


Is there such thing as drinking too much water?

my friend keeps telling me im drinking too much water! i have around 4-6 litres a day. i think that the more water drink the better but she doesnt seem to agree.. what is your opinion?? (also my urine is clear usually)

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5 months ago
so is 4-6 litres a day too much????

5 months ago
so is 4-6 litres a day too much????

Um, there was a local radio contest....having to do with who could drink the most water... One of the contestants died. The radio personel were fired. Yes you can drink too much water and it can kill you. I imagine it has something to do with your body trying to even out the salt to water ratio...and your cells suck up all the water because there is nothing but water around them...and the cells burst, and your body shuts down. If you have a concern about your need for water, maybe you have a health problem and should see a doctor. Me...I never drink water...I'm surprised I haven't died yet!

if you drink ALOT, yeah you get water poisoning, you dissolve your blood too much

yeah you can die from drinking too much water if you hold your pee

Believe it or not, it can kill you. You can actually drown your insides. I'm serious.

If you drink too much water too fast you can actually die from it.
The body can not process the water, internal organs swell and brain swells.The person will act like they are intoxicated and get a headache then die.
If you crave water and are always thirsty you may have a medical condition like diabetes.

Water intoxication is lethal. Your salts in your body get too diluted you brain swells up and you drop dead. Some woman on a local radio program did this and is DEAD. All of the radio people are screwed big time. Check it out:

It's called "water intoxication," and it can kill.

You can over hydrate yourself causing you to die if its not diagnosed early. I don't know how much water it takes, but I do know the symptoms are just like dehydration

Yes, you can actually drink too much water.
There was a large research on deaths due to over drinking water especially on people who took Extacy (since they were told to hydrate so much.)
I'm not sure 100% but it has to do with the amount of salt in your system being way too low, and how some people actually had their brain swell and kill them.
You might look it up online ~ it should be under the Extacy thing . . .

Oh and to the person who said someone died because of too much water and no pee . . . that's crazy because supposedly a radio station in Kansas City was taken off the air for the same reason! She was trying to win a Wii and won . . but died :( maybe it's the same story. :)

you can get water poisoning

Ya there is something as drinking too much water. It can cause your bladder to explode if you drink too much at once. Also, it can fill your lungs up with water which can slow down your breathing.

I do not think that drinking a lot of water in one day is bad. For me, though, I cannot drink a lot of water at one time because I start getting bloated. But, I do drink a lot of water in the day, just not at one time.

Yes. there is a hormone in your brain that could actually shut off and you start dehydrating.

I always thought that the more water you drink the better. But did you hear about that woman who overdosed on water trying to win a contest at a radio station? She died from drinking too much water. So now I don't know... However, I'd imagine you'd feel very sick if you were getting near to overdosing on it, right? So I think you'll be fine with a few liters a day.

Actually believe it or not it is...Don't get me wrong water is good for you but i learned in sports med if you drink too much like 16 gallons or something bizzarre like that a day something could happen to you i forgot what it's called but it was in the news like four or five years ago about some boy.

yes, if you drink to much water (at one time) you dilute the nutrients, vitamins, elctrolytes in you system.

if you are feeling weak, or have a headache, for no reason, you might be drinking to much water


If you drink accessive amounts ... that is not good. I don't remember why, but I do recall watching a show about it...and if you drink too can have a harmful effect on your body* 8-10 glasses are enough~ Remember to always eat healthy also to help your body run at its best~

yup youll die if you drink more than a glass a day

honestly I don't think there's too much water but if you're drinking too much of it your body will let you know.

as for clear urine congrats!! that means you're healthy and won't get a bladder infection!!
urine is an indication to how much water you're taking in. dark yellow means you need to drink A LOT more, Clear or light yellow means you're getting a good amount!

As long as you are going to the washroom when you have to and not holding it, I don't see a problem.

Just don't substatute water for food as that is unhealthy.

you are drinking a lot of water but i don't think it will hurt you as you will also be deleting your body supply of salt and potassium plus some other water soluable vitamins etc..
take a multi vitamin and if you feel good then you probably will never have a kidney stone in your

A woman recently died actually from water intoxication. A radio station was having a contest to see who could drink the most water without going to the bathroom. The contest was for a nintendo Wii. Too much water throws off the body's balance of electrolytes and other things. See wilkipedia link below

There was a highly publicized article recently;about a person who died due to "water intoxication". A person with two healthy kidneys can excrete about 900ml (0.24 gal)/hr.[2] Consuming as little as 1.8 litres of water (0.48 gal) in a single sitting may prove fatal for a person adhering to a low-sodium diet, or 3 litres (0.79 gallons) for a person on a normal diet. However, this must be modulated by potential water losses via other routes. For example, a person who is perspiring heavily may lose 1 L/hr (0.26 gal) of water through perspiration alone, thereby raising the threshold for water intoxication. The problem is further complicated by the amount of electrolytes lost in urine or sweat, which is variable within a range controlled by the body's regulatory mechanisms.

Water intoxication can be prevented by consuming water that is isotonic with water losses, but the exact concentration of electrolytes required is difficult to determine and fluctuates over time, and the greater the time period involved, the smaller the disparity that may suffice to produce electrolyte imbalance and water intoxication So yes, you can drink to much.

you drink to much water...6-8 glasses ( 8oz ) is what is recommended...

someone just died from drinking to much water but hey if your urine is clear what the hell drink up.

Yes, it is really bad it can cause death

You can drink too much water ( it happened to a contest lady the other day ). Don't keep from going to the bathroom and do not force water. You do not seem to be drinking too much water. Water is good for you, but nothing should be abused.

Yes, it is possible to drink too much water, even to the point of causing death.

The general recommendation is to drink about 8 cups of water a day... which is about 2 liters.

Yes, drinking too much water at once can cause an mineral imbalance which throws off your sodium and calcium concentration/balance in your blood. Drinking too much water can lead to water poisoning, hyperhydration.

Did you not hear of this incident?
quote from link
SACRAMENTO, California: The radio station disc jockeys who hosted an on-air water-drinking contest knew drinking too much water quickly could be fatal but dismissed the concerns with juvenile jokes, according to a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a contestant.

Jennifer Lea Strange, a mother of three, died Jan. 12 hours after drinking as much as two gallons of water in the on-air promotion to win a video game console.

excerpt from wikipedia
Water intoxication (also known as hyperhydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain function that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by a very rapid intake of water.[1]

Body fluids contain electrolytes (particularly sodium compounds, such as sodium chloride) in concentrations that must be held within very narrow limits. Water enters the body orally or intravenously and leaves the body primarily in urine, sweat, and exhaled water vapor. If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, body fluids are diluted and a potentially dangerous shift in electrolyte balance occurs.

Stop with the water!!!!
It sounds like you are drinking too much!!!

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