How many gallons of water do I need to drink to keep myself healthy?!
How many gallons of water do I need to drink to keep myself healthy?
It depends on your body size and activity level. A very physically active person can drink a gallon of water a day. But be careful - too much water can be toxic!
Six ounces of water per ten pounds of body weight per day.
about 7-8 maybe but don't over indulge because there is such a thing called water intoxication where inside it's like you're being poisoned and drowning internally. Nothing to be afraid of really unless you go water crazy or enter a drinking contest for water or drinks period. you should drink so you can flush out your system... and when dehydrated to a point... like you usually do.... mainly substitute your drinks with nothing but water.... i had at one point.. best thing ever... i need to go back to that!
8 glasses of liquid per day.
not so sure about gallons, but I know you need at least six to eight glasses of water each day.
if your pee is a light yellow
then you are drinking enough
dont think of it as gallons.set yourself a goal and yoiu increas slowly.soon drinking water will come as natrul as breathing.accualy you only need 8 glassis a day.if you can afford it get a water filter. pox vobisvum
In litres, it's 2 litres minimum which is 8 glasses of water. But that's just a general figure as it all depends on your height/size.
Just be careful and don't consume so much in a certain period of time..The woman who's brain swelled and died from drinkin too much water...Just watch it...she's prolly regrettin that right now
gallons? your gonna od on water. 6 8oz glasses a day
8 glasses a day. Not 2 gallons.