Are there none alcohol drinkers?!


Are there none alcohol drinkers?

I can’t drink. I just can’t. This might be a problem?

You shouldn't feel odd because you can't drink alcohol. There is nothing positive about drinking alcohol. Forget the silly propaganda that the industry trys to perpetuate claiming the virtues of its flavenoid infused wines. You can get the same benefits from drinking pomegranate, grape and cranberry juices.
And these juices won't melt your brain cells or damage your liver. Imagine that.

Remember, alcohol drinks are toxic elixirs. They have been clinically proven to be poison elixirs. How they garnered such respect and glamour over the years is a strange oxymoron in my opinion, considering how much damage these substances do to society.

They were once made illegal, just like many illicit drugs of today are. The government couldn't control the illicit proliferation of alcohol so they made it legal again. Which raises the question, why isn't heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and all that other disgusting stuff legal? The governmet can't control that either.

I drink very rarely, and sparingly and I'm proud to be a non-drinker. After all, it's me who as a designated driver gets to drive friend's fancy cars home cause they're too drunk to drive. :)

yes, orange juice, water, tea, coffee, soft drinks

Try holding your nose.

Yes, of course their are ,and I'm one of them! Did you mean none alcohol drinks? If so, when ordering a drink and everyone is ordering lets say, a margarita,long Island ,or daiquiri if you don;t want alcohol in yours, just say I'll have a virgin fuzzy navel please!,or whatever your friends are drinking and put virgin in front of the drinks name. Of course that will not work with all drinks like scotch and water or shots of tequila,mostly drinks that have three or more ingredients in them.

I love booze! I, however, do not look down on those who do not share my opinion. It can get a little weird being at a bar and ordering non alcoholic beverages but hey look on the bright side you'll never get a DUI and your bar tab will be a fraction of the cost of everyone elses! Just keep having fun!

I think you are asking if there are people who just can't do social drinking. There sure are! Just as in anything else, there's a range of normal from folks who can drink everyone else under the table to folks like you and me who simply cannot get through a single drink.

I can't manage more than a half-glass of wine before I get sleepy and silly. If I plan to drink, I only do it where I plan to sleep and with a good friend present to make sure I don't do anything but crawl into bed and nod off. It's such a boring evening that I haven't bothered to do it in years!

If I'm out with friends, I'll ask for a non-alcoholic beer by brand-name, or for a virgin-strawberry daiquiri. There's a real bonus to being a non-drinker - no hangovers! The only time in my life that I had one was the morning after I had drunk four near-beers instead of my usual two!

I believe it has something to do with how efficiently your liver can process the alcohol. Mine just can't, so why should I hurt it by forcing it. Besides, parties are so much more fun when I'm awake and can enjoy them!

As of now, me, because I'm pregnant.

You could get non alcohol beer or wine.That way you can still drink but not drink if you follow me.You still enjoy yourself but you are not hurting your body...Take Care Fellow Non-Drinker...

There's nothing wrong with being a non-drinker. Be proud of yourself. Here's something that I used to order when I go out...I call it a Florida Sunshine, but you can call it whatever you want.

First have the bartender pour some grenadine in a glass. (The red syrupy stuff), then fill the glass with orange juice. Then top it off with Sprite.

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