Why distilled water is harmful to drink?!


Why distilled water is harmful to drink?

"Long-term distilled water consumption may well contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value."

Distilled water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system for short periods of time."

I got all of this off Dr. Joseph Mercola, and I'm sure he's not the end all and be all on the topic so keep looking around. Some of this does make sense though.

Like with everything else, it looks like moderation is key in the area of distilled water consumption. Don't let the issue keep you from constantly hydrating though. There are plenty of other H2O options besides distilled water.


It is? I never knew that. Maybe if its harmful its because being so pure it leaches the important minerals out of your body. Just a guess.

Surprise, it's not.

its PUre water(distilled of all bacteria..)..tap is more dangerous

It's not.

it`s not. someone has had their way with you

its not... fuckin duh who told you that?

distilled water is not harmful to drink, it is purified water.


I don't know why, but it DOES say right on the packages of distilled water not to drink it!!!

It's not. It's just purified water - with no chemicals, minerals, etc.

I wonder if someone told you that some other kind is better for you, and that got mis-interpreted as "distilled water must be bad, then"? Well water or mineral water may have trace minerals that your body can use, so in that respect it might be better than pure water. But assuming you have a decent diet, there's not enough minerals in well water to really make a difference.

It is not harmful to drink sir.

It's NOT harmful to drink, "Distillation" removes "Salts & Solids", it is not usually recomended for "Purification" of an unknown water source because, "Distillation" process does NOT remove "Toxins", "Distillation" turns water into steam, then cools it back down until it condensates into another container, leaving salts and solids in the boiled out "Kettle", and purified water in the other.
If you want "PURE" water, buy a cheap $16 water filter from "Culligan", it's is an "Ion- exchange" filter (uses de-ionazation process), and screws on to the tap. It's "LAB" quality water, you can't get any purer water on Earth, no matter how pretty the picture of the "water fall" is on that "Bottled Water" .

Well, strictly speaking, it isn't harmful to drink. Distilled water has most of the minerals removed, so it doesn't supply your body with the minerals of non-distilled water. Some believe this is harmful because it leaches minerals from your body, but this hasn't been proven.

Pure water is not harmful to drink. You get your vitamins and minerals from other sources.

to my knowledge it isn't harmful at all. the taste is awful, but, it is idea for folks with fluoride allergies.

It's not dangerous. Too much of it will give you the runs though. Go to this website and it tells you about distilled waterhttp://www.durastill.com/myths.html...

For the most part, it just doesn't have the nutrients that regular water has. A lot of the minerals that regular water has has been removed.

Well you can get water poisoning if you drink too much of it but otherwise there's no problem.

Distilled water is actually the healthiest purest water that you can drink. It contains a lot of minerals that our bodies need. So drink up!

Its not necessarily. I depends how well the water is purified. The only way it could be harmful is if it has some sort of toxins still in it. The notion that distilled water is harmful by default is an old myth.

Distilled water isn't necessarily harmful, but it isn't helpful either. Distilled water has had all the minerals filtered out, even the ones that are helpful, and crucial to your health. Fluoride is also added to tap water in small amounts to help prevent tooth decay. Tap water is regulated by standards, and is safe to drink. Distilled is obviously safe as well, but it does not contain the minerals that are typically found in water.

Distilled water is pure water. It's not harmful, but you are missing the minerals and electrolytes found in tap water.

Distilled water lacks minerals such as flouride that can be beneficial, but it's not exactly dangerous to drink. It's a bit flat tasting, but not dangerous. Probably better to stick with other water sources that have beneficial minerals.

Is it? I never knew that except it is void of minerals. And it can leach the important minerals out of your body.

Distilled water is just pure water! It has very very very little of anything except H2O. That is the reason for distilled water. It is so pure. AND flat! If it has been aerated then you have defeated the purpose of distilling it in the first place. Why? Aerating it with air just puts the trash back in. If you use pure oxygen to do this, then you no longer have balanced or pure water.

Your body needs the trace minerals. If your water is not clean enough to drink then you may consider a Katyden filter with a carbon filter for bad tastes and/or chloride. It cleans out the bugs, and the carbon will get the tastes out. Guaranteed to work!

Plus this will save you a great deal of money over bottled water. If you figure you drink 4 sixteen ounce bottles of water a day, (suggested for 8 glasses of 8 oz. water a day, minumum!) at say $1.00 US each, the you could pay for the best filter in a couple of months.

There are several on the market at cheaper prices I might add. But I use Katyden because it can be cleaned. Just type in the name and do a search.

If you do go with a cheaper model, make sure it says it will filter down to ...2 microns. (That's point 2 microns or 2/10's of 1 micron. Itty bitty stuff.)

I still drink country well water, my old neighbors dranked the water for 97 yrs.

it aint!...it's just what the bottle water companies want you to think!...I drank only bottled water at one time until my brother tricked me- he emptied all my evian bottles and filled them w/ tap water and I never knew the difference...I felt so stupid I refused to buy bottled water ever since. Bottled water is the biggest scam!

Distilled water is the purest form of water as nature intended it without the contamination that we have come to accept as part of drinking water. H2O, does it sound like containing minerals, vitamins, energy & trace elements that are essential to our body? The fact is, our body gets all its minerals etc from food and NOT water. In fact, the defination of water is - A tasteless, odourless & colourless liquid. Therefore, it cannot taste awful. It tastes natural. But since we are accustomed to drinking water with a 'certain' taste (fluorides, chlorides, minerals etc), distilled water 'tastes' odd. water distillers use charcoal filters to impart taste after purification. When people talk of distilled water being harmful, they have the battery additive in mind & not the drinking water. Moreover contaminated water is more harmful to our body than pure distilled water can ever be, no matter how much you drink it. To sum up, there's some folklore attached to drinking water with low TDS, like distilled water. The volume of water that people typically ingest would not have an important role whether pure or not. Typical water of 500 ppm TDS or less is 99.9995% pure in terms of minerals. The mineral contribution of water, with or without minerals, to the human body is negligible. Most mineral nutrients come from the food we eat. Supplements can assist you if your diet isn't high enough in the proper minerals. Water won't.

IT IS? and I've been drinking it all this time!

But I always thought that tap water was more dangerous because that is what comes through the pipes.....

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