Does coffee make yu short?!


Does coffee make yu short?

i been told `n heard dhat 2 much coffee can make yu short. is this true?


I think because coffee contains caffine the rumour is that if you drink too much while you are growing it can stunt your growth. I don't think this is valid since the majority of kids live off of soda which also contains caffine. but really, why risk it?

it doesnt make you from 5 foot to like 4 1/2 foot it just makes you stop growing

I have drank coffee since I was around 12 years old and I am 6/4.So I dont believe it but if it were true maybe I could have been 7/0 ft.

No of course not. If that was the case everyone would be short. cofeee just gives you a great enegry boost but makes u exhausted later.


short tempered and cranky ! havn't noticed any other !!!

No way, then my mom should be 2 feet talll right now.

coffee might make you short but I wouldn't know but I'll give you a word of advice drink a lot coffee and get back to me if it makes you short if it doesn't good for you.

Expounding a bit on Cadillacrazy's answer, I have drank colas of all brands since I was old enough to be allowed to do so by my parents, and that's been close to 50 years now, and, once I got to the age where they allowed me to drink coffee, I tried it and later became an avid consumer, and make my coffee so strong that it actually gives the drinker a quick piercing headache after you take the first sip, and lasts through the second or third sip. And that's pure coffee, no alcohol or anything else added to it. And I LOVE chocolate, as many do, and I eat my share, and maybe a bit of someone else's share too. And iced tea is a favorite of mine all year round. AND, I grew to be 6 feet tall, as tall as my dad who was the first (well, along with his mother) to introduce me to coffee. They're cajun, so, what could you expect. AND, I'm three inches taller than my son, sorry to say since he wants so bad to be as big as his dad. And he does NOT drink coffee. And, at my height, I'm as tall as any male in my family over the past three generations, all of whom drank coffee and cokes and loved chocolate. So, why am I telling you all this detail? To shed some objective light onto yet another rediculous claim against coffee, which has no basis for it whatsoever. I can admit though that I get VERY short-tempered with anybody who gets in between me and my coffee, such as happened only two days ago. My lovely wife, who so lovingly prepares my breakfast, and every other meal I enjoy, actually forgot to bring me any coffee the morning before last. I "let it slide" since I don't drink a lot of it (just strong as a true cajun would demand it however), and I didn't think I'd really be bothered about it. But, around 2:30pm my tolerance for my sluggishness so far in the day came to an abrupt end, and I DEMANDED that my day STOP IMMEDIATELY until I have my coffee. My wife was astonished that she actually forgot to bring me coffee that morning, and fixed me some coffee immediately, even though she normally doesn't like me to drink coffee past noon or 1pm since it might keep me up later than she likes. I felt immediately better, just like the "good ol' Randy" that I usually am. So, in conclusion, NO, coffee doesn't make you short, at all, that is, if you're talking about anatomical height, and not personal demeanor. Get in between me and my coffee, and "short" isn't the word you'd use to describe me. I hope this has enlightened you as to the effects, or NON-effects, of coffee. God Bless you.

Caffeine stunts growth. so it could be coffee of any caffeinated pop, tea, whatever

no, but there's a lot of negative effects of coffee. these includes: chronic anxiety, irritability, insomnia,diarrhea, and twitching.
However the positive effects are: allaying of drowsiness and fatigue, greater sustained intellectual effort, increased motor activity, and more perfect association of ideas.

No, it was a way parents would get us not to drink their much needed coffee. And of course we listened, here we thought it was true and we would all be 6 ft tall.

Old wives tale.

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