Isn't tea essentially just flavored water?!


Isn't tea essentially just flavored water?

I mean, just because you put leaves in to change it's taste, it's still water and it still counts towards my 8 glasses a day, right?

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5 months ago
I'm not drinking 8 glasses of tea a day, usually 1 or 2! lol

5 months ago
I'm not drinking 8 glasses of tea a day, usually 1 or 2! lol

According to most nurtient experts, you can take half of your required water through other sources (de-caf tea, sugar-free flavored waters, seltzer) and the other half should be plain water.

So if you're already drinking 1-2 glasses of water a day, you just need to add 2 more and then you can have decaf, sugar-free tea for the rest!

Pretty much yeah

Yup - as is coffee. But why are you drinking 8 glasses a day? Tea also has the effect of helping to control diarrhea - so if you drink 8 glasses of tea, you will be getting a LOT of caffeine and a fair amount of acid and your ability to move your bowels will be somewhat reduced....

I'd re-think that, and probably stay with pure water.

yep, thats pretty much how it works......

yeah if you dont add anything (sugar honey ect.ect.) it should work

Yes, with the major exception that it contains caffeine.

You can still count it, of course, but it has less efficacy than water. Or, you can drink de-caffeinated tea, which has all the same benefits as water with taste added :)

It is not just flavored water. Tea offers some very good benefits to drinkers in the form of anti oxidants .It also contains caffeine.
Caffeine is a diuretic .

I'd count it although some people don't count caffeinated drinks.

Basically yes. I was once put on IV fluids and a liquid diet at the hospital for drinking too much soda.

But you know what, unsweet or lightly sweetened tea was okay for me to drink.

And thats the only thing I really drink now! Ignore the post about dirahhea...I surely havent had any and tea does not give it to you.

Coffee is worse than tea!

The idea of eight glasses of water a day is a fad that has been around for some time and has no justification. You will get much of your necessary liquid from food, tea, coffee, coca cola, orange juice, milk and, most importantly, beer. Drink water if you want to do so and when you feel thirsty but don't feel compelled to drink eight glasses of the stuff just because some fad diet says so.

yes...i drink alot of loses some of its healty value if you put sugar and if you use caffinated tea. I use decaf. tea and i find it tastes better. Caffiene gives tea a bitter taste. And i cut back on the sugar a little bit to make it more healthy.....mmmmm i love tea

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